Thursday, December 24, 2015

Discrimination Against Beauty

There are people who see beauty - or love of beauty - as being incompatible with spirituality or intelligence. Quite simply, these people have not seen enough good art. True art - Michelangelo, Gaughin, Renoir, any number of others - is both beautiful and spiritual. And Russian women are both beautiful and intelligent.

What we see in these cases is this: Discrimination against beauty. What is very much a positive is treated as a negative, and men of goodwill, in the name either of feminism or of spirituality, are steered away from the beautiful women, leaving them nowhere to go to except jerks. In this both feminism and spirituality are profaned. Neither is meant to militate against beauty. The first is meant to empower women, and the second is meant to impart wisdom. In neither case is discrimination against beauty a part of the intended outcome.

Discrimination against beauty is just as wrong as discrimination based on race. One can be beautiful and spiritual, or beautiful and intelligent, or all of the preceding, at once. All of the above are virtues and should be cultivated in people, resulting in people being in every way the best that they can be.

One does not have to be homely in order to be spiritual or intelligent. The women I've loved were all beautiful and spiritual at once. In the country I come from, women are both smart and beautiful; so I am not vulnerable to brainwashing that teaches people in America that attractive women are stupid and that only unattractive women can be smart.

If the argument is that an unattractive person can be smart or spiritual, then that is correct. If the argument is that an attractive person cannot be smart or spiritual, then that is completely bogus. Spirituality is not meant to discriminate period; and that means, not discriminate against beauty as much as it means not discriminating on race.

So whenever we see someone attack beauty or love of beauty in the name of spirituality, we know that we are seeing someone abusing their spirituality. And whenever we see someone claiming that beautiful women cannot be smart, we know that we are seeing someone speaking from the position of ignorance. Beautiful women can be just as spiritual and intelligent as the unattractive women. And a person truly possessing of spirituality or intelligence will recognize that and act accordingly.


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