Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Nazism and Definition of Evil

There are many people who see Nazism as the definition of evil. While I certainly see Nazis as having been evil, I do not see them having monopoly on evil. Hitler was a vegetarian and a fitness buff, but not all vegetarians and fitness buffs want to kill 50 million people. Hitler was claimed to possess either the narcissistic or the sociopathic personality disorder, but not all people who have been diagnosed with these disorders want to kill 50 million people. Hitler read Nietzsche, but it doesn't mean everyone who reads Nietzsche is going to kill 50 million people.

There is all sort of sordid stuff out there. Nazis just happened to be the most overtly cruel, and that got them hated more than anyone in the history of the world. Nazis were evil, but they were not the only people who were evil. Genghis Khan, Timberlane and Stalin were also horrendous despots; and it is important that this be remembered, as many tend to forget.

I am as much against Nazism as the next Jewish person; but I also want to see fairness and balance be brought to bear in the public discourse. There are all sorts of evil people out there, and they need to be dealt with based on what they are. Nazis were evil, but they do not define evil. There are all sorts of evil people out there; and most of them have nothing to do with Nazism.

It is essential that scrutiny be placed upon the practices of all sorts of people around the world. In many cases, one finds things that one would never expect to find. Whether or not related to Nazism, evil practices need to be scrutinized. And then the world would work in the way in which it is intended to work.


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