Sunday, March 04, 2018
I have known – closely – many
different kinds of people; and I found in many of them the attitude
that what they do is important and that nothing else is.
I have seen this in engineers and
software professionals who think that they are the only sane and
rational people in the world and that everyone else is lazy, crazy,
dishonest or stupid.
I have seen this in children of
lawyers, salesmen and businessmen who think that academic learning is
worthless and that all that matters in life is social skills and
common sense.
I have seen this in military people who
think that everyone except themselves and their friends is a sissy.
I have seen this in doctors who think
that they are better than everyone else because they finished medical
This attitude is worse than
narcissistic. This attitude is completely destructive. It is valid to
consider what you do to be important. It is completely wrong to
consider that nothing else is. Where would we be if everyone was a
lawyer or a salesman? Where would we be if everyone was an engineer?
Where would we be if everyone was a soldier? We need all these, and
And since we need one another, we need
to learn to relate to one another in ways that work.
So we see some parents wanting their
children to do what they have done, when they themselves did not do
what their parents had done – rightfully. And we see some students
from higher backgrounds abusing students from lower backgrounds when
neither situation's is either their merit or their fault. And it is
time that more people say not only that this is wrong, but that this
is completely incompatible with the country that America has been
intended to be.
But neither should one encourage the
attitude such as that of Richard Nixon, who hated the high-born even
in case – such as that of John Kennedy - that the high-born were
better people than was he. Or attitudes that we see among some in
technology sector that anyone with business or political skills is
deceitful or manipulative or sociopathic. Or the belief that the
military people are stupid brutes, or that the highly educated are
elitist snobs, or that artists and thinkers are narcissistic bums.
Once again, all of the above are necessary. And even if you do not
believe in the Christian value of treating the other person the way
that you yourself would like to be treated, you need to figure out
better ways of relating to one another for a simple reason that you
need one another for your country to survive.
Now it may very well be difficult for
people who think in different ways to get along. Salesmen have to
think one way; engineers another. A salesman, in order to amount to
anything as a salesman, has to be a positive person. He has to think
positive. An engineer cannot afford to think positive. An engineer
has to think analytically. An engineer has to anticipate anything
that can possibly go wrong with the product. An engineer who thinks
positive will design equipment that will blow up on use.
So we see engineers seeing salesmen as
neon balloons and salesmen seeing engineers as negative ninnies. In
fact all that both are doing is think in ways that are appropriate to
their professions. And unless they understand the reasons for one
another's thinking, the people who think in ways that differ from one
another will not get along.
The correct solution is not to devalue
the salesman or the engineer. The correct solution is understanding
why they think the way in which they think and relating
appropriately. And it is also separating the valid from the invalid.
It is valid to affirm both social
skills and academic intelligence and not valid to attack either.
It is valid to see what you do as
important and not valid to think that nothing else is.
And it is also valid to remember what
America is meant to be about, and not copy the worst features of
China and India and use them to hold down the potential of America's
people while completely forgetting the attitude that actually built
the greatest country that the world has ever known.
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