Tuesday, July 30, 2019
King David's worst sin was taking the
wife of one of his soldiers and sending him to die in war. However
even out of that sinful situation came something good. What came was
Solomon, who gave Israel its greatest time ever. He wrote the
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs and built a huge and
magnificent temple of God.
It appears that God uses even our sins
toward rightful purposes. Any number of figures in the New Testament
were redeemed sinners. God corrected what was wrong with them, and
then He put what was right with them in service of His glory. The
result were better people and wise, informed instruction – from
redeemed sinners – as to how other sinners likewise can be
Adam getting kicked out of paradise did
not end humanity. They did how well they could in absense of God.
Then God saved the righteous and populated the world with their
descendants. The world kept going its way; so God picked Abraham to
be the seed of His people. And as we read from the Bible, some of
them were righteous and some were not.
Many people thought that Melanie and I
did the wrong thing by getting together. But the outcome was a child
who is better than me. Solomon was a result of adultery; and not only
adultery but one involving a murder. And yet he became the greatest
king that Israel ever had.
So we will see something unethical
about many good situation. I know a couple – probably in their 80s
– where both the man and the woman are successful philanthropists,
and they have raised highly effective children.This situation started
by the woman leaving her previous boyfriend to be with the man. Some
people will say that that relationship started wrongly because it
involved breaking apart what was there previously. Yet the outcome –
a highly successful, effective, loving, responsible and compassionate
family – more than makes up for that situation.
I find it difficult to reconcile The
Bible's commentary in favor of marriage and “what God put together
let no man take apart” with the experiences of many people I know.
In many situations a partner has pulled a con job. What is sacred
about pulling a con job? What is sacred about misrepresenting
yourself? If Paul was around to talk, I would ask him of that. I
would also ask him abot any number of other things, especially his
claim that slaves should obey their masters and his claim that these
that and the other will be in lake of fire.
As for God, He has proven much wiser
and more compassionate. Even though Solomon was conceived wrongly,
God made him the wisest man and a great king. What this means is that
God redeems even the trash; and in doing so God gives us all
meaningful purpose and dignity with which to lead life.
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