Wednesday, September 18, 2019

"Perversion" And Tyranny

Someone on the Internet said that perversion is written all over me. My response: Tyranny is written all over you.

He, like any number of others, wants to dictate to people their sexual behavior. He is doing this in a country that is intended to be free. This makes him more dangerous to his country than any number of “sociopaths” and any number of “perverts.”

Most of these people do what they do in the name of society. In this is created an authority that is unlected, unaccountable, unbalanced and unchecked. This authority, being unelected, unaccountable, unbalanced and unchecked, has nothing to keep it from becoming tyranical and corrupt. It becomes a way to sneak in tyranny into a free country. And that, once again, is more dangerous to the country than any number of “sociopaths” and any number of “perverts.”

In some circles, people who do this are referred to as fascists. To this they usually respond that fascism is something that is done by the government. It does not matter whether it's done by the government or by private entities. In either case, oppression is done. In fact government fascism is less obnoxious than private fascism. Governments in the West are bound by constitutional law and subjected to accountability, check and balance. Private fascists are bound by no such thing. This allows them to get away with greater oppression and corruption than is allowed the government.

When I was at UVA, the libertarians posted a sign saying “Smash the chains of statism.” There is no statism in America. Oppression in America is done by private entities. I mean groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses and Westboro Baptists. I mean fathers who like to rape their children and beat their wives. I mean the mafia and the gangs. I mean corrupt networks in law and medicine. And – yes, I mean people who want to dictate to people their sexual behavior and their personality.

The libertarians are therefore wrong. It is not the government that is the source of tyranny in the West; the tyranny here is private. And rather than smashing the non-existent chains of statism, people should be smashing the chains of real oppression perpetrated by private fascists such as the above.


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