Saturday, November 09, 2019

Will God Give You What You Want?

Sometimes we want things that God does not want us to want. In many such situations we don't know why God does not want us to want what we want, but the reasons become evident later.

Jews wanted a king. God did not want the Jews to have a king; but they were persistent, so God gave them what they wanted. They got a king; but he was a bad king. King Saul did many wrong things, and being king he could get away with it. The Jews, undoubtedly, understood later why God did not want them to have a king; but by that time it was too late.

When I was a teenager, I got tired of the stupid violence all around me and wanted to have no violence in my life. My adult life has largely been free from violence; but there are many things happened to me that were worse than violence. God granted me a wish that was against his wishes, and I had to live with the consequences of that choice.

When someone is hell-bent on doing something, God will deliver. However, once again, you will have to live with the consequences. Sometimes you understand God's reasons, and sometimes you don't. In all cases however there is a reason for God's decisions, and it is important to understand this reason and do what is rightful in the eyes of God.


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