Friday, February 26, 2016

The Value of Freaks

Like many others, I have been accused of being a freak. I say that this is a good thing.

Freaks come up with all the original ideas that move everything forward. Freaks also see where everyone else is going wrong. When the main thrust of the society is Nazism, which is wrong about just about everything, the only people who have a chance to be right are people in disagreement with that society, who of course are regarded by that society as freaks. While not all societies are as overtly wrong as the Nazis, most have problems with them. And it takes someone whom such a society sees as a freak to notice that and to put into place corrective measures.

If evolution is true, then it is the freaks – the mutations – that drive the process that is responsible for all life. And if creationism is true, then from what we see in the Bible God works in mysterious ways. Specifically, he works through all sorts of people – such as say David – who are not respected in their home societies; and who by that standard are likewise seen as freaks.

If you are a freak: There is a good reason for it, and there are many good things that you can do with it. Don't try to negate what you are, make the most of it. The world needs its freaks, and there is a good reason for their existence. Embrace being a freak and make the most of it. And in the process do your part in the cosmic process.


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