Monday, May 23, 2016
America's founders rightfully
recognized the potential for tyranny and corruption within the
government and designed the government in such a manner as to check
and balance these potentials. What they failed to recognize is that
the government is not the only entity that is capable of tyranny and
corruption, and that there are any number of corrupt and tyrannical
entities that are not the government.
In America, the government is much more
benign than it is in most of the world. The bulk of corruption and
tyranny in America comes from private entities. It comes from
communities; it comes from religions; it comes from families; it
comes from corrupt networks in law and medicine. The government is
checked in its potentials for tyranny and corruption. These other
entities are not.
While the attention of freedom-fighters
is concentrated on scrutinizing the government, real corruption and
real tyranny grows up in their home towns. Life becomes regimented
and controlled viciously, while real crimes are hidden and prevented
from being redressed. Girls are told – and quickly taught – to
never tell in case their fathers rape them. People get killed in
hospitals, and doctors enlist corrupt lawyers and coroners to bury
the case. Religious denominations oppress and control people to a far
greater extent than does the American government. Community
organizations such as the mafia and the KKK command the loyalty of
many and use it to get away with murder.
Compared to all these groups, American
government is quite mild. It is certainly more mild than most
governments around the world. However it is not the source of the
worst abuses in America. The worst abuses in America are private, and
these can be very difficult to correct.
How can they be corrected? The first
step of course is exposing them. The second step is realizing that
the government is not the only source of evil in the world, and that
there are many private sources of evil.
When this is done, it will become
possible to actually prevent tyranny and corruption. And that will
make it possible for people to have actual liberty.
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