Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Some people's concept of ethics is
based on the concept of loyalty, and other people's concept of ethics
is based on the concept of principle. Neither however is adequate in
itself. I combine the two to come up with a more workable concept:
Principled Loyalty.
Loyalty, by itself, creates things such
as the mafia. Mafia has strong internal loyalties, but it treats
everyone else like dirt. I do not want to see the world being run by
mafia values.
Principle, by itself, lacks realism and
compassion. Principle wants to treat everyone equally. I do not
believe that that is a fair expectation. People will have loyalties
to one another. People will prefer their own over others. People will
prefer their children over other people's children, and people will
prefer their countries over other countries. I consider it
foolishness to expect anything else.
I combine the two to create something
better than either: Principled Loyalty.
Principled loyalty seeks the well-being
of people to whom one is loyal, but it refuses to do wrong things for
them. Specifically, it refuses to do wrong to others. If my country
wanted me to throw sulfuric acid into the face of a child, I would
not do it. If someone to whom I am personally loyal wanted me to
commit murder, I would not do it. Instead I will look for workable
ways to advance their best interest without hurting others.
Principled loyalty therefore corrects
the potential for error in both loyalty and principle and then
combines the two to create something better than either side.
One thing that happens when cultures
mix is people's conception of ethics getting taken away from them. I
used to have a strong ethical system that was based in Communism.
When I came to America, that got deconstructed, and I was left
without moral guidance. I have had to use my mind and my experiences
to create a more informed system of ethics. Principled loyalty is
what I came up with as a result.
With principled loyalty, we see both
human reality and values at work. People will have loyalties to one
another, but unconditional loyalty takes people into the mafia land.
Principle is very much a virtue, but by itself it fails to consider
human reality. There is a need for both. With principled loyalty,
people will advance the lot of their own without hurting others in
the process.
I will prefer my own over others, and I
do not expect anyone else to act differently. I will not however do
wrong things for them. I will look at how to advance their interests
without hurting others. Doing that corrects the potential for error
in both loyalty and principle. And the result is a more functional
system of ethics – one that considers both human reality and
principle and gives people a workable way to advance the interests of
their own without hurting others.
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