During the Second World War, different
people were fighting each other even though they had many things in
common with each other. Probably the thing that they all had in
common was that they strongly believed what they believed. This made
credible to many the ideology of relativism. Relativism believes that
it is wrong to believe strongly in anything. The relativist solution
is to not believe in anything strongly at all.
Ayn Rand had a different view on the
matter. She said that the problem was what she called “an orgy of
self-sacrifice.” She came to the conclusion that sacrifice was
evil, and she advocated as a solution rugged individualism.
Any number of others had all sorts of
other explanations as well. I have heard it said that Nazis were
illogical, and I have heard it said that Nazis were too logical. I
have heard it said that Nazis did not have traditional values, and I
have heard it said that Nazis were too much into traditional values.
I have heard it said that the problem was sheepish conformity, and I
have heard it said that the problem was ego. I have heard it said
that the problem was irrationality, and I have heard it said that the
problem was hatred. I have heard it said that the problem was
tolerance for sin, and I have heard it said that the problem was
intolerance. I see none of these mutually conflicting explanations as
being worse than the relativist view.
Relativists may not have killed as many
people as Hitler or Stalin; but they have been running all sorts of
scams. That is a natural outgrowth of the ideology. A friend of mine
from India described relativism as “scum-baggery”; and he was
absolutely correct.
Now if you are going to run a scam on a
population, you will want people to see villains in precisely the
wrong places. You would want people to see as dangerous the people –
such as myself - who have the capacity to see through the scam. You
will also want to represent things as their opposites. Someone loves
women, call him a misogynist. Someone honest, call him a sociopath.
Someone altruistic, call him a narcissist. Practice the Big Lie
technique, and eventually people will believe you.
In the current situation with the
Jihadist Islam, the West is seeing the logical consequence of its
beliefs. If you are a relativist, you will have no moral or
intellectual foundation for fighting such things as Jihadism. Instead
the conflict will be played out on the Darwinian level – the level
of might-make-right. You may have more military hardware, but these
people are quite good at what they do. They will make your life hell.
In American psychiatry, it is believed
that it's healthy to believe in something weakly, but not healthy to
believe in something strongly. It is sick to be a true believer; it
is healthy to be a hypocrite. This creates a destructive effect upon
the civilization. Everyone becomes corrupt. So then someone like
Osama Bin Laden comes along and says that the West is evil and that
it should be bombed. This message carries appeal to all sorts of
people, and it will continue to have appeal to all sorts of people
for as long as these are the beliefs.
Let's separate what is valid from what
is not valid. It is valid to look at knowledge that is not a part of
your upbringing or education. It is valid to understand where the
next person is coming from, even if that person is nothing like you.
It is valid to be open to useful ideas and cultural input from other
places. It is not valid to believe in relativism.
Many people who do believe in
relativism inevitably find it working against them. A woman may get
together with a man who is likewise relativistic and who will use
relativistic ideas to treat her like dirt. She will have no moral
foundation to confront his abusive behavior. She may claim that the
problem is “patriarchy” or “the Western civilization” or the
man being a sociopath. The real problem is the relativistic beliefs
that she has espoused.
If you believe in relativism, you will
likewise not have the moral or intellectual foundation by which to
defend your country. Someone comes in blowing up marketplaces and
skyscrapers, you will have no place on which to stand by which to
defend yourselves. The solution is not more relativism; the solution
is a wiser, greater, and more courageously upheld absolutism.
It is valid to tolerate people who are
not like yourself; and I tolerate all sorts of people who are nothing
like myself, including any number whom nobody else tolerates. It is
not however valid to tolerate lies. Wrong beliefs result in wrong
action. And what we see now is hideous lies all around. This, once
again, is a natural outgrowth of the conman's ideology that is
The solution is not relativism; it has
been an abject failure. The solution is understanding the world well
enough to know how your actions affect it. The solution is actual
knowledge, and pursuant actual knowledge an actual understanding.
This will create action that is genuinely informed. Which action,
being informed, actually has the stance of being actually ethical and
actually responsible.
Both the people who believe in relativism and the people who claim
to espouse the values of responsibility or ethics even as they
militate against knowledge that actual responsibility and actual
ethics requires are dead wrong. You need to have knowledge in order
to make informed decisions, and you must in no way compromise with
attitudes that are wrong. Neither relativism nor ignorance are the
solution. The solution is real knowledge. And, pursuant that real
knowledge, a wiser, more informed, and more courageously upheld
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