Monday, August 07, 2017
For a long
time, the Jewish people have been accused of being cowards. That is
because they practiced a pacifistic ideology, and anyone who does so
will have someone accuse them of such things. Then they got a country
of their own and developed one of the world's most effective
militaries. At which point the same people who had accused them of
being cowards started accusing them of being brutes.
I was never good at sports or anything
of that sort. However the choices that I have made in my life have
called upon me to develop an inner toughness. It appears that life
will force its will on you whatever your original inclination happens
to be. If you start out being naïve, life will force upon you
discernment. If you started out being arrogant or unfriendly, life
will force upon you humility and compassion. And if you started out
being weak, life will force upon you strength.
With the Israelis, what we see is a
lesson having been learned too well. Their ancestors had been
pacifists and wound up in gas chambers; so they went all the way to
the other end. We see a similar case of a lesson having been learned
too well with the baby boomers. They started out fighting for all
sorts of altruistic causes; and when that was confronted with Reagan
conservatism they went all the way to the other end of the spectrum
and became completely selfish and self-absorbed.
Are Jews cowards? Don't tell that to
Benyamin Netanyahu. Don't tell that to Donald Rumsfeld. Don't tell
that to Mark Spitz. There are some in Judaism who believe such things
as that it's forbidden to place one's life in danger. However the
Israelis are anything but cowards, and many Jews living in other
countries have had to learn courage as well.
It is easy to confuse kindness for
weakness. This happens more to women than it does to men, but
sometimes it happens to men as well. In case of the Jews, their
behavior was an outcome not of a moral flaw but of an ideology. They
were pacifists and were against violence. That attitude did not work
for them, so then Israel went all the way to the other side.
In “Pianist,” after the Jews in the
ghetto had revolted, a Polish woman told a Jewish man that it was a
good thing as that the Jews had fought for themselves. He stated to
the effect of, “What good did it do?” This shows the basic
conflict of mentalities. According to the Polish woman, standing up
for oneself was of merit. According to the Jewish man, the fact that
it got everyone killed was not.
So now we are seeing Jewish people all
over the world doing all sorts of different things and practicing
different lifestyles. Some are liberal, others are conservative,
others tread some kind of a middle line. In my case I have been
exposed to all sorts of influences from all sorts of places. I have been called upon to make a sense of all of them and figure out who is
right and about what.
At the very least it is time that
ridiculous claims be addressed on this matter. Pacifism is not the
same thing as cowardice, and creating an effective military to
protect one's country is not the same thing as being a brute. I for
one would very much like to see Israel rely less on the military and
more on trade and diplomacy. But I will not stand up to see the
people of my ethnicity accused in the same sentence of cowardice and
brutality. They are guilty of no flaw in their moral character. The
cowardice of which they were accused was a result of espousing the
ideology of pacifism. And the current actions of the Israelis are a
result of what happens when people decide that pacifism does not
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