Thursday, August 31, 2017

Projects Of God And Man

The project of humanity is creating a better world for the people. The project of God appears to be creating better people for the world.

In the Quaballah, there is the pillar of mildness and the pillar of severity. The first nurtures and gives; the second challenges and demands. The first provides a nurturing soil in which to grow, and the second motivates one to make the most of his time here. There are gifts and then there are challenges. The first creates better world for the people, the second creates better people for the world.

It is not only in Quaballah that such a thing can be found. In the Bible, God is reputed to have informed His prophets that He was giving them “both a blessing and a curse.” Both appear to be part of the definition of God's love. The first creates a better world for the people. The second motivates people to become better people for the world.

The shortage of the approach that only seeks to create better world for the people is that people turn into something that appears not to be right in the eyes of God. The shortage of only creating better people for the world is cruelty. But when the two work together, both people and the world improve, and that results in a better condition for everyone.

I have heard a priest preach that Christianity demands both love and righteousness. It appears that this is indeed the case. Love, by itself, creates enablers, and righteousness, by itself, creates fanatics. But when the two work together it appears that God's will is followed. And that results, once again, in better world for the people and better people for the world.


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