Monday, December 04, 2017

Some Thoughts On God

Oh God how absolute art Thou
I hide in the dark but You find me
I hide in false logic but You refute me
I hiede in drink but You make me sober
I hide in sleep but You awaken me
I try to argue You away but You win every argument
All exists to serve Thee and perfect are Thy ways
How glorious art Thou the Lord My God
Thou dost not reveal Thy wisdom except as instrument of Thy will
Thou art unknowable lest we misuse the truth and seek ourselves to be God
Thou art everywhere and rightfully beyond understanding
All that is understood is what Thou wants us to understand
All that we know is what Thou wants us to know
To rely on Thee is to reach for wisdom greater than ours
Thou may or may not give the reason, but we find out the reason of Thy intent after the deed.
How glorious art Thou the Lord our God, how vast and absolute is Thy wisdom.
Thou improves us all through the trials.
Thou takes away from us all that distracts us from Thee that we be naked before Thee.
Thou makes those who love Thee what Thou seeks them to be.
Thou art the author of wisdom and righteousness.
How glorious art Thou the Lord our God, how vast and absolute is Thy wisdom.
Thou punctures false knowledge and false reason and shows their errors and incompletenesses.
As soon as we think we know everything, Thou showest something new and a new way of thinking consmmating and refuting the last.
As soon as we think we have worked out a way to live without thee, Thou bringest us to our knees before Thee.
Thou unravels all intelect that is not Thine.
Thou shatters kings and magnates who are blinded by arrogance.
Thou bringet love to serve Thee.
All our reason, our wealth, our love and our power are Thine to put in Thy service.
If it is not, it is either corrupted or taken away.
You break us and re-assemble us into Thy servants.
All that exists, exists to serve Thee.
How glorious art Thou our God, how absolute is Thy wisdom.

All that leads us away from Thee fails.
All that brings us closer to Thee makes us better and happier.
Thou givest and then Thou takest away if we bcome full of pride.
Thou makes us and breaks us if we take credit.
A mind that does not serve Thee becomes insane.
A love that does not serve Thee runs dry.
A wealth that does not serve Thee is lost.
But those who serve God find true happiness.

I often have doubts about Thee O God; but Thou dispels them.
I want to hide in the darkness, but Thy light is everywhere.
How much I want to disprove The, Thou find me and show me Thy truth.
Lead me to righteousness God, put me in Your service.

All human power can be misused. But true power comes from God. The order of God is perfect; people are imperfect. Imperfect people will corrupt even a perfect order. People will use power for wrong. People will mistake their wrongful desires for will of God or inflict suffering on one another. We must love without enabling, correct without bullying, be loving and righteous at once. We must put all our power in service of God. The purpose of power is enforcement of purpose, or else we live in a world of might-makes-right; and there is no greater purpose than serving God. The misuse of power will always breed hatred aand bring down orders that do it. God will find people to change or confront them, to prove to people His reality. Then the order will choose to follow God or be taken apart from within or invaded from without.

One man's trash is another man's treasure. All that is not appreciated should be taken away until one appreciates it. Truth of God is the greatest treasure that gives us what we need to live good lives. The greatest gift is wisdom, as it empowers you to get what you seek leading you to seek right things. And faith is reliance on wisdom greater than ours that leads you to do the right things whether or not you yourself have been given wisdom.

Logic is a method, not a worldview. The logic of God is absolute. It is beyond linearity and dialectic; it is all of these things and more. It is by purpose unknowable. When a pattern is apprehended, it is taken apart because the will self-asserts. The nature of will is to seek freedom and autonomy. But will did not create the universe. Will is made happy when it is, despite its own tendencies, put in service of God. Pluto revolves around the Sun, and though it thinks itself cooler than other planets it still orbits the Sun. Love under will is not the law; will and love under God is the law. Eating the forbidden fruit of choice has taken man away from God. Putting the choice in service of God restores the rightful order.

What God demands is rightful and absolute. His wisdom is vastly greater than ours, as He made clear in Job. God will prove His point, then it is up to us to remember and apply it. Jesus saves by delivering from sin and its exploiters and then teaching us rightful conduct. We then save ourselves using our own choices as directed by Him. When people err from righteousness or love of both, God corrects them. When people are in sin but do not think that they are in sin, God shows them and others how wrong they are. When people are cruel and think themselves righteous God reminds them of love. When people are immoral and think themselves loving God reminds them of righteousness. God works through many people to bring people toward rightful conduct and rightful attitude. The mind of the flesh fails, replace it with mind of God.

God knows us better than we know ourselves, and He understands our needs better than do we. His judgment is vastly superior to ours. He is a loving father who will give us what we need if we do not challenge Him. Do not try to replace God or compete with God; be man in service of God and be risen to glory.

God wants us to be our best and to go through challenges. He gave us the tools, it is up to us to wield them correctly.

God uses everyone, including people who do not believe in Him, to make His point. Some of these people have rightful things to say. Then as they build their own orders, errors in them accumulate, until people start hungering again for God's guidance, which He is often happy to provide. Sometimes people rebel against God and do something else. Sometimes they come back to God. Many of us are ungrateful brats in this regard, and it definitely takes a very patient and loving God to put up with us.

God teaches us His ways and then puts them into place. Occasionally we would forget or move away from them. Sometimes He would remind us, or reach our children if we are set in our sins. All deserve the opportunity to know about God and follow God. God makes not credible the case of those who deny Him so that they – and others – be saved.

Some people say that the mind is God, but the question is Whose Mind? My mind did not create the cerrebellum. You who think that we construe reality, did you give birth to the oceans? Then how can you say that reality is construed?

Mind is real. But so is the world. God is the author of both. Minds would not have the power that they do if they were evolving matter and nothing else. Stars that we don't know would not exist if all was our consciousness. Mind is there because of God, and so is the world.

Some say that people make their reality. They say that people are God. Some say that the mentality of the society or the corporate world is reality. They say that society or the corporate world is God. Some say that reality is construed by academic consensus. They say that academia is God. But God is God, and is superior to all these things. All these things and more exist to serve God. None of these things is God and none of these things is Satan. They are things that people do, for rightful or wrongful reasons, and deserve to have power appropriate to their role but never to have godlike powers or be called reality. They are part of reality, not reality itself, nor the maker of reality.

The logic of mindsets is used to change the mindset and show its inadequacies. The logic of science is used by romantics to bring in imagination, passion and creativity that the merely logical condemn. The logic of morality is used to convict orders that claim morality but are cruel and hypocritical. The logic of compassion and love championed by Romantics is used to bring in ethics that Romanticism lacks. The logic of realism is used to restore man's role as creator of manmade aspects of reality using his beliefs and pursuant that things that realism fails to correctly value. Any mindset that is not of God will have flaws, and it is only a matter of time before someone finds them.

Man's actions pursuant his beliefs have a vast role in shaping social reality. This means that many things thought unrealistic – such as arts, love and especially God – become completely realistic when people use their actions, guided by their beliefs, to make them a part of social reality. The more people believe in such things and act accordingly, the more they become a part of what is regarded as real world. Some things are there because they are given. Some things are there because people choose to put them there.

There are many logical reasons to believe in God. Some people think it logical to argue away their experiences of the transnatural or say that “an extraordinary claim requires an extraordinary level of proof.” That is not logic, it is dishonesty.

Ordinary people or extraordinary people means nothing to God. The disciples of Christ were ordinary people who worked extraordinary miracles in His name. Do not be wise in your own eyes, but strive to be one in God's. We will rarely know whom God will choose and for what. David was thought inadequate by his family but he slew Goliath and became king. “The stone that the builders rejected became the chief cornerstone.” God will choose whom He will choose. He rejoices in upsetting our commonsense, which thinks that it knows everything but does not. Sometimes He will side with the disadvantaged to confront the cruelty and arrogance in the rulers. Sometimes He will side with the rulers or business to confront lawlessness or immorality in the people. Whether bullying or unrighteousness takes place for the rulers or for the people, God will dislike either and do something to change the attitude.

People often have a good reason for taking the stance that they do and wanting to change the world in one or another direction. Then they often themselves do wrong things. Kings come in for a reason; they do wrong, so people want democracy. Business comes in for a reason; then it does wrong, so people want socialism. Government comes in for a reason; then it does wrong, so people want to limit it. Feminism comes in for a reason; it does wrong, so people become misogynistic. Anything human is capable of error, and none deserves to be God. They exist to serve God and do their purpose rightfully.

Psychology damns some people, saying that they are evil and can only be evil whatever they do. But God offers redemption to all sinners. God is far wiser and kinder than psychology, and the wisdom of the world is indeed foolishness in the eyes of God. As we see with personality psychology, for a good reason.

As soon as people think that they know God, they want to become God. The do an inadequate job. God will give us the knowledge of Himself that we need in order to do what He wants us to do. We may then mistake the aspect of God that we have been shown for the whole of God. Some people will do that with love; others with righteousness; others with compassion; others with unselfishness; others with work, others with the law. They will create orders that have their chosen aspect but none other. Then God will work through other people to re-introduce the aspects that we have forgotten. God inspired Salvation Army during Victorianism that practiced morality but not compassion. God inspired Alcoholics Anonymous when people were status driven and had no pity on the alcoholics. God has inspired the Christian Right when people thought that they were loving but were immoral. In all these cases, He corrected the errors of those who knew Him partially but thought that they knew Him whole.

Did God allow Communism to exist in order to punish the arrogance and meanness of business at the time? Did God allow Nazism to shock the world out of decadence? Did God use the New Age movement to show miracles to people who otherwise would have been atheists and guide them to Him?

Would God have used Christ to undo, through virgin conception, a curse that has been passed down through sexual reproduction and, as human sacrifice, to end practice of animal sacrifice?

God, please use me to tell the truth.


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