Saturday, July 21, 2018

Beauty And Value

When something that people want is not valued in society, its manifestations get exploited. People would get what they want, but they would fail to value it or reward it appropriately. The result will be exploitation of the people who have that quality.

We see this especially with beauty. Everyone wants beautiful women; nobody wants to treat them right. The result is beautiful women finding themselves in situations of mistreatment, where the man gets from them what he wants from them without treating them rightfully in return. Their experience is then used by feminists to claim that beauty is a stupid thing to strive for and that women who seek such a quality are going to be mistreated because, well, that's what men do.

The correct solution to that is to value the quality appropriately. It is to see a virtue as a virtue and reward it for what it is. It is to compensate people for the value that you are getting from them. It is to stop being a thief and an exploiter and reward people according to what they give you.

And at the societal level, it is seeing the virtue as a virtue and valuing it accordingly.

I have been close to a number of very beautiful women, and many of them experienced mistreatment both from their men and from nasty types of women – at work, in their neighborhoods, in the families into which they married, whatever. Apparently you cannot be beautiful and have other good qualities at the same time. Well no, you can have other good qualities. Just look at the Russian women. They are beautiful, strong, smart and willing to be good to men. And they are also much better human beings than women in feminism who attack beauty.

So the women possessing of beauty get shunned or much worse by feminist types of women. The men of goodwill are warned away from them by the ideology that wanting a beautiful woman is incompatible with spirituality, emotional depth or respect for women, or that a woman who's been in a bad situation has a low self-esteem. Where do they have left to go? To what's left – assholes. Which assholes then get to benefit from the woman's beauty and other good qualities while being ugly to her in return.

In this everyone loses. Men of goodwill are denied good relationships. Women of beauty get abused. Societies are robbed of their best product. And the assholes aren't even happy because they have it running through their heads that the woman is a bad person or a crappy wife. If only they knew what else was there out there, especially among the feminists, and how good they actually have it with such women.

So something good gets devalued, and the results are disastrous. The women possessing these qualities find themselves living hideous lives. People who stand to appreciate their good qualities are told to keep away from them. And the assholes who get to cash in on this are not even happy.

The solution at the societal level is to value virtues for what they are. It is to see beauty as a virtue and reward it accordingly to the benefit that it provides. It is to value things that people want and to quantify them appropriately. The result will be rational system in which what gives benefit is rewarded accordingly, and there is less theft and exploitation. This is the case with beauty; this is the case with intellect; this is the case with any other virtue.

Name beauty as a virtue, and stand by beauty as a virtue. And let it do its job of making the world a better place.


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