Thursday, August 09, 2018
I have heard it stated repeatedly by
people experiencing both physical and verbal abuse that verbal abuse
is worse. I have never had serious violence in my life, but I have
been subjected to poison from many people. The wrong things that
people say stay in my head until I find ways to refute them. In the
meanwhile they confuse me and also provide a let-in for nasty types
to use against me.
I do not know if this is the case for
everyone. In my case it does not always work for the worse. I pick up
on wrong things that people believe; I examine them further; then I
understand their mindset. And then I can look at the whole mindset
and see just where it has gone wrong.
So there have been people pushing on me
Sigmund Freud, so I found ways to deconstruct him
Then there have been people pushing on me Adler and his idea of
“adequacy,” so I took that apart as well
And then there have been people claiming my attitude to be based in
“narcissism.” It is based in no such thing. It is perfectly
rational and realistic in light of the statements I've heard from my
teachers and a number of others.
I've also done this with various statements
that had nothing to do with me personally. When I read screed of
anti-semites, I refute it, as I well should. I put in a lot of mental
and emotional effort into what I do. It is not easy. It is quite
unpleasant to have in your head the mindsets of people who hate you
or the people who are aggressive and obnoxious, but maybe fighting
things such as anti-semitism is worth the bother.
Now physical violence is illegal, but I
do not think that it will ever be possible to outlaw verbal violence.
It is protected as free speech. The solution then becomes figuring
out rightful ways to deal with it. My method, once again, is
deconstruction. Refute it. And if you cannot refute it, find out if
is true. Not all negative things that people say are without merit.
However do not admit poison into your structure, and do not allow
people to drag you into the dirt.
The biggest problem with this kind of
poison is, once again, that it stays in one's head. That is a source
of confusion and vulnerability. In many cases it causes wrongful
decisions to be made. It is crearly a worse problem than physical
violence, except in situations that the physical violence is severe.
Once again, I see no way that such a thing can be handled legally. It
can however be handled mentally, and I hope that people capable of
such things reach out to those who need their attention and help them
to see through whatever poison they have been dealt.
I heard a lot about “wounded
healers”; but probably the best healers are people who have worked
through their problems and understand how to help others with similar
problems. In my case, I can help people see through the ugliness that
they have been told, and I have seen the same capability in a number
of others. Once again, I do not see how it would be possible to deal
with such things legally. They can however be dealt with mentally.
And then many others stand to benefit from one's work.
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