Sunday, March 22, 2015
There are any number
of global warming deniers who impugn the credibility of global
warming science.
My response to these
people is: “I have every reason to trust scientists and none to
trust you.”
Tens of thousands of
the world's best minds, working separately, have come up with what
should be common sense: That if you raise carbon emissions while
cutting down the rainforests that absorb them, you have problems. And
that is something that should be obvious to any intelligent person.
It is ridiculous
that these people claim to speak for liberty or rationality. As
George Orwell said, freedom starts by being able to say that two plus
two equals four. The people who deny reality have no business
claiming to speak for rationality or responsibility. They want
ongoing reliance on destructive technologies at the expense of
progress. And their treatment of the environment is exceptionally
irresponsible, destroying rich and beautiful environments that people
have not created and cannot recreate.
There is every
reason to trust the climate scientists. There is none to trust the
global warming deniers. These people invent one fiction after another
to deny reality. And that makes them conmen.
Global warming is as
real as you and me. Denying it is denying reality, proper. The
solution is not to do away with technology. The solution is to
implement better technology that allows people to have everything
they have now and more with vastly fewer destructive effects.
Ultimately, this
will even be good for the oil companies. Oil will last longer and be
used for higher-end goods such as plastics and pharmaceuticals,
realizing greater income than if it is wastefully burned. There are
any number of technologies that can provide for people's energy needs
without causing the flooding of Manhattan.
And it becomes our
job, as the people who care, to put into place these technologies.
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