Monday, May 25, 2015
Like many others, I
am tired of the Muslim fundamentalists claiming that they have morals
and that the rest of us does not. The opposite is the case. The
Muslim fundamentalists kidnap children, send children to blow up
marketplaces and throw sulfuric acid into girls' faces for going to
school. They are the lowest form of scum.
So far, most of the
effort against Muslim fundamentalists has been based upon military
action. Not enough is being done to change people's minds. There
needs to be a broadcast into the Middle East, similar to the Voice of
America broadcasts into the former Soviet Union, to inform people of
what they are being faced with and how wrong it is for such forces to
claim to speak for morality.
For as long as they
have the monopoly over the minds of Middle Eastern people, military
action is not going to work. They can always get more recruits to
replace those who get shot. Instead there needs to be a war for
people's minds rather than their bodies; and in doing that America
stands a chance to defeat these scoundrels.
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