Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How Children Should Be Treated

One of the most influential figures in my life has been my uncle Lev. When I was 5, my grandmother was punishing me for something or other, and he told her: “No, that's not how you do it with him.” He then proceeded to explain to me why what I was doing was wrong. This left a huge impression on me, and in my parenting I have practiced similar methods. Whenever my daughter does something wrong, I explain to her why it is wrong, and she does not do it any more.

I do not understand why more people don't do the same thing. Most children are not evil, and they wouldn't be doing wrong things if they know them to be wrong. Children are an intelligent form of life and should be treated as such.

The people who are advocates for corporate punishment are, for the most part, simply lazy parents. They do not want to go to the effort of engaging their children's minds and want the fists to do the job for them. This results in a disaster. Children do not learn right from wrong. What they learn is brutality and stupidity, and it makes these things the basis of their lives.

It is absolutely ridiculous that the people who are lazy parents get to claim that they have family values and that the rest of the world doesn't. I am a dedicated parent, and I am completely against domestic violence. Family relationships are a two-way street; and if you as a father want decision-making authority then you better be good to your family.

It is essential to treat children as an intelligent form of life rather than as beasts. I am good to my daughter, and she has been doing very well. I heartily suggest for other parents to make the same choices as I have and treat their children as an intelligent form of life.


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