Sunday, June 26, 2016
My English teacher in school, who had
come from the rough side of town, said that poverty affects the
person inside. It appears to become a curse that stays with them
through life.
The true curse of poverty in the West
is not shortage of money. There are very few people in the West
suffering from absolute poverty, and the average poor person in
America is wealthier than most middle-class people in China, India or
Middle East. The problem is the shortage of esteem. These people grow
up to believe that they are trash; and they carry that feeling around
even if they have themselves been able to rise out of poverty. And of
course, however high they rise and however much they accomplish,
there will always be some bully to zero in on this feeling and drag
them down.
This means that the solution to the
problems of poverty in the West is not handouts to the poor, but
better treatment of the poor. These people must be made to feel
welcome in the world, and they must be made to feel that their lives
matter. People from better-off backgrounds need to reach out to them
and help guide them toward a more meaningful existence and a better
way of life.
In case of the African-American
community, I do not understand why the more successful black people
do not do more to reach out to the poorer black people. They would
not listen to a white man; but they would listen to one of their own
who made good. I believe that it is the responsibility of the
well-off black people to reach out to their brothers and sisters in
the ghetto and give them the knowledge and the inspiration they need
to get to a better place.
My daughter has been a humanitarian
since she was 1. Her first social interaction outside the family was
coming up to a little Malaysian girl and giving her a hug. If a one
year old child can love a child from a disadvantaged background, then
how much more should we as adults.
There are all sorts of things that
people from lower-income backgrounds can do to improve their
condition. The biggest problem they face is the mess in their heads.
They feel that they are trash, and that prevents them from reaching
out to education or employment. Which means that the true way to
address problems associated with poverty is addressing this shortage
of esteem and guiding these people to a life that they feel to
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