One statement that is frequently made
about people like David Koresh and Roch Theriault is that they had an
extraordinary ability to manipulate the system. In fact both of these
men had real abilities and real knowledge. They used these things for
wrong ends.
How did they get so good at
manipulating the system? Because they understood the system.
Similarly Al Queada got good at terrorism because it figured out how
the West worked.
In the former Soviet Union, there was a
class of people known as “prohodimetz.” These people knew how to
play the system to get what they wanted. They were regarded by many
as scumbags, and many of them really were scumbags. However
understanding the system – or understanding people – is not a bad
thing in itself. It is an ability. An ability can be used for good,
bad, indifferent or a mix. “Guns do not kill people. People with
guns kill people.”
There are many people who think that
these abilities are evil. They are not. They are abilities. They can
most certainly be used for things that are wrong. They can also be
used for things that are completely legitimate and completely
We have been hearing a lot –
especially on the Internet – about the Jews. Apparently there are
too many of them in Hollywood, Wall Street and the academia. Why are
there many Jews in these lines of work? Because they are good at it.
If you believe in success, as many conservative do, then you will be
respectful of other people who become successful. And if you do not
then you cannot claim to believe in success.
When you believe that you and yours own
success, you will be unhappy when someone who is not a part of your
club becomes successful. You will howl bloody murder. You will try to
demonize the person or agitate others against him. That is because
your false worldview will be refuted. More importantly, the lie that
you use to control the population – that unless they submit to you
in every way and conform to you in every way they will always be
losers – will be punctured.
It is time that this hypocrisy come to
an end.
We see this kind of hypocrisy around us
all the time. If a woman has emotional intelligence she is
“manipulative”; if a businessman or a politician does he is
“competent.” If Obama is in power he is a sociopath; if Reagan is
in power he is a great man. You want your own to have empowering
qualities, and you reward them accordingly. Whereas when someone else
has empowering qualities he is “dangerous.”
He is in fact dangerous - to a lie.
I do not believe that any ability is
either good or evil. Abilities are neutral. They are what you are
using them for. If someone has an ability that differs from yours, it
should not be attacked but rather given constructive expression. That
way the “prohodimetz” types turn into marketers; emotionally
intelligent women into psychiatrists; and people who otherwise would
be disaffected into contributing citizens of the civilization.
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