Monday, August 07, 2017
Whenever I speak in favor of beauty –
any kind of beauty – someone often counters by telling me that I am
shallow. Quite obviously these people have not seen enough good
architecture and good art. There is nothing shallow about the Sistine
Chapel. There is nothing shallow about Burmese stupas. There is
nothing shallow about Machu Picchu. There is nothing shallow about
the works of Keats or Akhmatova. True beauty takes talent and effort
to produce and deserves respect.
Nor is there anything shallow about
beauty in nature. Whether through God's craftsmanship or evolution,
nature has produced magnificent masterpieces that far exceed anything
made by man. Can any human being create anything like the snow
leopard? So what right does he have to hold such a thing in contempt?
The confusion we see many make is the
one between the value and the misuses of the value. Anything that has
any kind of appeal to people will see someone wanting to use it for
wrong things. That does not make it a bad thing in itself. We see
this not only with beauty. We see this with money; with intelligence;
with moral values such as patriotism and altruism. That Hitler
appealed to patriotism, and Stalin appealed to altruism, to do wrong
things, damns neither patriotism nor altruism. It damns Hitler and
Similarly the fact that stupid
teenagers and bad parents attack girls they consider unattractive,
and the fact that unscrupulous plastic surgeons exploit women's
insecurities to get already attractive women to keep coming back for
unnecessary and disfiguring treatments, does not begin to damn
beauty. It damns the stupid and unscrupulous people who use it for
wrong. Michelangelo, Bethoven, Gaudi, Keats and Akhmatova are not
responsible for the actions of these people. They are responsible for
these actions themselves.
Beauty – and love of beauty – are
therefore not shallow at all. Even with women's beauty, we see
exceptional strength and intelligence in say Russian women, who are
generally regarded as some of the most beautiful women in the world.
The Western feminists think that they are strong, but I doubt that
they are stronger than Russian women. I doubt many such feminists
would be able to live through the Second World War while living under
Stalin and being of Jewish ethnicity. Yet there have been women in my
family who did just that.
Are some beautiful women shallow? Of
course. Are some men who are attracted to beautiful women shallow? Of
course. But in neither case is that a given. The woman for whom I
wrote my first poetry book had lived through hideous things and
remained both very beautiful and a first-rate artist. And she also
was far more genuinely spiritual than the women who were attacking
her. They were being malicious and hateful; whereas she bore them no
ill will and in some cases advocated on their behalf and even helped
them to work through their personal problems.
Now maybe spirituality does not
discriminate for physical beauty. But neither does it discriminate
against it. According to spiritual values, it is about what you are
inside. I see no reason at all why this would correlate positively or
negatively with physical beauty. Some women will have both forms of
goodness; some will have one or the other; and some will have
Once again, Russian women are hardly
non-spiritual. Nor are they stupid or shallow or weak. Yet they
generally like to look good, and many of them become very attractive,
both physically and personally. Now there are many things that the
English-speaking world has to offer Russia. They include better
political and economic practices. But on this matter Russia has much
to offer the English-speaking world.
Wrongful beliefs that get inbred in
closed systems are best refuted through introduction of things from
abroad. Thus, when some women in the West decide that the Western
civilization is the root of oppression of women, the far more
patriarchial and far more violent men from the Middle East infiltrate
into the Western cities and gang-rape girls and teach young men in
disadvantaged communities to be even worse to women than they have
been before. Similarly, when some women in the West decide that all
beautiful women are shallow or weak or stupid, a sizable influx of
Russian women stands to correct that wrongful perception.
A man who had been a high figure in the
Reagan administration once told me that Russia has much to teach
America about culture. He said that what they had to teach America
was how to have stronger families. In my case, I think that Russian
people have to teach America just how wrong the beliefs of which I
have spoken are. Once again, Russian women are strong, smart and
spiritual as well as they are physically beautiful. This stands to
refute the wrong perceptions that many in feminism have on this
For my part, I do not consider myself
to be beautiful, although some people do. My contributions to beauty
in the world are not my looks but my poetry and translations. On this
matter, once again, Russians have much to offer the English-speaking
world. American poetry has degenerated into cold cynical wordsmanship
and manipulation. Russian poets stand to teach the English-speaking
world what real poetry is.
Now there are many voices in the poetry
and art scene for political correctness; and this is another place
that stands to benefit from a healthy dose of Russian influence.
Russian passion and Russian profundity stand to create genuine
culture in such places. I have been thanked by a number of people in
the poetry scene for the passion which I express in my poetry. My
poetry is rarely about political issues, and it is never about the
politically correct party line. About half of it is love poetry, and
another half of it is poetry on philosophical themes.
Toward the end of the Cold War, Ronald
Reagan made an effort to welcome an influx of Russian Jewish
refugees. It was not only the right thing to do; it was also
something that benefited his political agenda. The Russian Jews being
mostly moderate to conservative, they were likely to go into American
Jewish communities, which were mostly liberal, and influence them
toward the Right or at least toward the center. I do not know his
thinking on this matter. I do know however that, whether or not
deliberately, this worked in his favor.
Similarly the Russian cultural-minded
people stand to go into the art and poetry scene in the
English-speaking world and influence it toward better practices.
Instead of spouting the tired party line of political correctness,
they will create art and poetry that is worthy of the name. And this
will do much to improve the cultural scene in English-speaking
countries, in the same way as a large influx of Russian women stands
to correct false perceptions that any number of Western feminists
have developed and show the world that there is nothing weak or
shallow about actual beauty.
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