Wednesday, September 06, 2017
For a long time the main idea in
studying people has been that of free will. According to free will,
people have the ability to choose their behavior, and people's
behavior is a function of conscious, deliberate choice.
This idea has been challenged by some
in psychology, who stated that people's behavior was instead a
function of drives, feelings and instincts. Some people saw this idea
as being liberating from the moral strictures that went along with
the idea of free will; but in fact it is enslaving in the end. The
logical outcome of this kind of thinking is the attitude that people
are their nature and can only be their nature. So that, if someone is
possessing of a bad nature in one or another form, then this attitude
will damn such a person for life. According to this thinking, once a
sociopath always a sociopath, once a narcissist always a narcissist,
once a pedophile always a pedophile, and further along the same line.
The outcome of this has not been liberation, it has been something
very close to fascism. Some people are singled out for extermination
or at least evisceration and dehumanization. And that has created one
of the most vicious movements that the West has known in a long time.
In this scenario the liberation is
achieved through re-introduction of free will. Liberation is achieved
by regaining the concept of choice. Even if one has something wrong
with his brain, he can still choose to act in a rightful manner. A
pedophile can choose not to act on his pedophilic urges. A sociopath
can learn ethics. And a narcissist can use his mind to figure out
another person's perspective even if his heart fails to do the job.
I believe that people are in fact
responsible for their actions. In fact I know they are. There have
been all sorts of people who chose to act rightfully regardless of
what was in their nature or in their psychology. In this situation
the idea of free will indeed becomes a force for liberation. It
allows people to choose rightful conduct and rightful thinking
whatever exists in their natures. And that makes it a force for true
The problem with the Victorian model
was that it ignored everything except free will. In such a situation
it is in fact correct that people see other things that are there –
things such as feelings or instincts or drives. But then psychology
went to the other extreme and denied free will. It stated basically
that we are animals. One obvious problem with this, once again, has
been that it has lead to fascism. Psychology decided that some people
are evil and can only be evil whatever they do. This is irrational;
this is cruel; and this is wrong.
And by restoring free will without
ignoring everything else that is there, is achieved true freedom and
complete existence as human beings.
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