Thursday, October 26, 2017

Slanders Against Jews

We are seeing many people attacking the Jews these days, and it is important that these attacks be rightfully refuted.

One claim is that the Jews are in control. If Jews were in control – and if Jews were bad – then people saying such things would be facing a firing squad. That they are instead free to spread their lies and their errors shows either that Jews are not in control, or that the Jews are so good that they would even let live the people who want them dead.

Another claim is that the Jews are taking over. The correct response is, Which Jews? There was a Jew named Karl Marx who invented Communism, and there was a Jew named Ayn Rand who made a lifelong cause of fighting Communism. There was a Jew named King David who wrote the Psalms, and there was a Jew named Alvie Hoffman who militated against Judeo-Christian heritage. There is a Jew named Sam Vaknin who made a name for himself on the Internet by popularizing the Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and there is a Jew named Ilya Shambat who writes on the Internet to say that, according to the definition of this disorder, the world in general – and America in particular – owes vastly to people who have it. So how can the Jews be taking over if they disagree on just about everything?

Then there is the claim that Jews killed Jesus. I did not kill Jesus. I have accepted Jesus. I refuse for myself or my family or other Jews to be blamed for the actions of Herod or Caiaphas. I do not speak for them, they do not speak for me. The people who attack Jews have much greater and much more recent crimes in their history. Jesus resurrected after three days. The 100 million inhabitants of the American continent who died from Spanish and English colonialism did not.

We see claims such as that Jews are unethical, or that they are cowardly or weak, or that they are money driven. I find it ridiculous for people who believe such things as that “money talks bullshit walks” and that anyone who does not have money is a loser to claim that being money-driven is wrong. As for being weak or unethical, do not tell that to Yitzhak Rabin or Donald Rumsfeld or Mark Spitz. Of course the people who espouse pacifism – as have many Jews in history – frequently do get labeled as cowards. After the Second World War many Jews decided that pacifism does not work, and they founded Israel, which they designed to have a very effective military. So when faced with the militaristic policies of Israel, the same people who used to accused Jews of being cowards when they were pacifists are accusing them of being brutes. With some people you just can't win.

As for Nazism and anything similar, I do not see why there would be any excuse for it whatever. If you are German, you have many legitimate thing to be proud of. You do not need to look back to the worst time in your history in which your people not only perished to the tune of 10 million but also gave your people a lasting reputation for cruelty and brutality. If you are American or English or Russian, the Nazis were your enemies. Your grandparents died fighting them. To follow your country's enemies is called treason. I am a firm believer in free speech, and not even the Nazis should be censored. They can however be refuted; and I hope that more people do just that.

Now I firmly oppose political correctness and have done so ever since I knew what it was. I do not need political correctness to defend my interests as a Jew. I can do so myself. I want to see more people – both Jewish and not Jewish – confront these directions. Do not try to censor them; refute them. And there are many valid arguments one can make to do so effectively.


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