Friday, October 13, 2017

Conformity And Feminism

One question that has been on my mind has been, can conformity pressures be for the better? I suppose that if correct qualities are being encouraged, they can. However in many cases what we see is potentially good qualities being attacked.

If you are raised in a macho culture and you have scientific or artistic inclinations, you get attacked. If you go to a school where most kids want to be salesmen or lawyers and you have academic interests, you are seen as a freak, a loser or worse. In these situations, potentially good qualities get devalued or even demonized. This results in any number of potential high contributors becoming victims, rebels or even criminals. And that has very negative effects on the country.

One correct line against conformity pressures has been taken by feminists. They have righfully seen that girls are under intense pressure to abide by the media standard of beauty, and that the girls who do not meet that standard are devalued. They are correct to say that this is wrong. A girl who does not mee the media beauty standard can have any number of other potentially positive qualities; and having such girls having it drilled into their heads that they are worthess is wrong.

However the feminists have made major mistakes of their own. They decided that beauty as such is the problem. It is not. They are confusing a value with the misuses of the value. Most things that have appeal to people can be used for wrong. That does not make such things wrong in themselves. Money can be used for wrong, but that does not mean that money is wrong. Intelligence can be used for wrong, but that does not mean that intelligence is wrong. The same is the case with beauty.

So they have decided that beautiful girls are the problem. That is just as wrong as workers wanting to slaughter the propertied class. Beauty, once again, is not the problem. Vicious coercion toward a media standard of beauty is the problem. Disrespect for other positive qualities that women may have is the problem. Michelangelo and John Keats are not responsible for the actions of teenagers who do not know what they are doing or parents who have much less of an excuse of ignorance for the wrong things that they do.

Some of these women have decided that girls who are beautiful do not have other positive qualities. They think that beauty is incompatible with such things as intelligence, strength, spirituality or being a good person. They obviously have not met very many Russian women. Many of them are beautiful, intelligent, strong and good people. Much more so than any number of women in America who hide behind feminism to be bad people.

Then there is the claim that such women are arrogant. I think that just about anyone is capable of arrogance. Some attractive women are arrogant, and some are not. I know any number of beautiful women who are absolute sweethearts. And I know any number of unattractive women who are arrogant and mean. The Japanese women tend to be very humble and also attractive. Whereas there are many women in Third Wave feminism who are very arrogant and think that they are better than everyone else because they have what they think to be an enlightened ideology and that everyone else is a bigot, a misogynist, a sociopath or a brainless bimbo.

As for the claim that beautiful women are narcissistic and as such bad for society, that is completely wrong. By that standard, most Americans are descended from narcissists. Most Americans are descended from immigrants. Immigrants are people who did not like where they were and moved to another place where they thought they would have a better life. According to the beliefs of such people, these people were narcissists or even sociopaths. However without them America would not have existed, and a feminist would be a punching bag for a European peasant living until age 30 and having her sons drafted into the military and her daughters into domestic servitude.

In many cases, the solutions for social problems are worse than the social problems themselves. We see this, once again, with Third Wave feminism just as much as we see with such things as Communism and Nazism. The interest in advancing the benefit of the girls who do not meet the media beauty standard is correct. Much of what the Third Wave feminists have done is however even worse than the problems against which they correctly militated.

As somebody who has loved a number of women who were beautiful, intelligent and kind, I consider it my duty to stand for their interests. And that is as much against the people who think them to be freaks as it is against people who attack them for being beautiful. The correct solution is to see all potentially positive traits for what they are and guide them into correct expression. That is the case with beauty; that is the case with intellect; that is the case with good personal qualities; that is the case with everything that is good.


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