Saturday, June 02, 2018

Self-Esteem And Character

Many in psychology see the solution to personal problems as working on self-esteem or loving yourself. An argument I've heard is that a person who esteems himself well will also esteem others well and be a good person. That is wrong. It works the other way around. You become a better person, there are more reasons for you to esteem yourself well and there are more reasons to love yourself.

The solution is not working on self-esteem but working on character. It is actually improving yourself. That being done, better self-esteem follows.

How do you work on yourself? One part is exercise, which builds discipline. Another is holding yourself to a high standard of conduct. It is to monitor your actions and your thoughts and getting rid of what is unworthy. And it is replacing it with rightful thought and rightful action.

Working on self-esteem is a goose chase. There will always be someone to tear down whatever self-esteem you build. But character is something that nobody can take away from you; and improvement in character is real, lasting improvement.

So I would recommend people to stay away from self-esteem psychology and instead to go to character building. The result will be an actual improvement rather than a perceived improvement. And the perceived improvement will follow.


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