Friday, September 28, 2018

The Rebound Effect

Political agendas of people tend to backfire a lot.

In some places, the egalitarian ideals of the elites rebound on themselves. The people attack their kind of people, claiming that they are snobs or know-it-alls or think their shit does not stink. So when anyone among the people develops intellectual or otherwise thought of aristocratic tendencies, they get attacked. So that people who owe their democracy to people like Thomas Jefferson maliciously attack the people who are like Thomas Jefferson, making sure that such people do not come back.

In some places, social conservatism rebounds on itself. Socially conservative societies practice reckless reproduction. This creates places with majority young population; and majority young population demands what young people demand, causing major problems for the conservative leaders.

In some places, money values rebound on themselves. The money chase creates lots of conflict and lots of losers in the process, as well as making winners of many people who are not part of the old-boy club who get good at making money. This likewise creates major problems for the people involved.

In some places, ethical values rebound on themselves. People see the corruption in leadership and attack them on moral grounds - the moral grounds upon which the leadership controls the people. The social order that is used to enforce the morality becomes seen as immoral in itself. This sets in force dynamics that often lead to its  undoing.

In some places, winner ethic rebounds on itself. A Clinton or a Steven Job can come along and become a winner and use that position to empower people they want to be losers forever. This creates problems for the winner's club, as well as to their central claim that they use to control the population: That only they are winners and everyone else is doomed to fail.

In some places, feminism rebounds on itself. Feminism empowers women, and that means many women who are mothers and who are socially conservative. These women then create major problems for the leaders of feminism.

In some places, pacifism rebounds on itself. People become tolerant of orders that are aggressively against theirs. These orders then use the pacifism to infiltrate and take over the population.

These are just some of the ways in which I've observed social orders backfire. I am sure there are more.


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