Friday, November 23, 2007

False advertising and the culture of insincerity

I have written on all kinds of issues, and now I'm writing about a problem I've seen in more cases than I can count.

The problem is that of false advertising in relationships and the culture of insincerity that results.

The perpetrator presents a genial front and acts nice to everyone. Then when he has found the woman, and she is his, he turns into a monster. The people cannot believe that he does the things that he does, because according to the impression he gives to them he is a nice person. And the person against whom the perpetrator commits his
abominations is blamed for all things that result, and is attacked even further if she tries to leave the perpetrator.

In business, advertising as one thing while having a different product is known as false advertisement. It is a crime, and one that is severely punished. But in relationships there is no clause about false advertising. Instead, the person at the receiving end of the abominations is blamed for all things, and is blamed even further if she tries to go on her own.

This of course results in tremendous ongoing hypocrisy and insincerity. And it is a hypocrisy and insincerity that requires for its perpetuation a destruction of sincerity wherever it can be found. Thus, the sincere woman is entrapped; the sincere man is seen as being fundamentally criminal. And it is through this attack on sincerity that the culture of false advertising and insincerity goes on.

Insincerity, for its continuation, requires further destruction of sincerity wherever it can be found. Thus, any true feeling, any true idea, any true existence, comes under vicious attack. And the result is a putrid swamp of falsehood and viciousness and hypocrisy that ensnares all the living. And then this swamp claims for itself the sanction of religion or of morality.

For this abomination to end, it becomes requisite to see all false advertising for what it is, and to instead demand truthful portrayal of self, of feeling, and of attitude. And then one more obstacle to sincerity, passion and clarity will be removed, and it will be more possible for more people to live truly.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Poem for my daughter

The umbilical cord is blue,
The placenta is black and red,
The newborn's skin is purple,
And now, I'm a dad.

It took seven minutes -
No more than that,
My love stands, leans on me,
Then comes out a head

And then - an announcement
To all alive:
The baby is here -
Greet her, husband and wife!

How do I feel
Do you suppose
When you reach for my eyes
Or snatch at my nose

Or look at my face
With wise giant clear eyes
Appearing informed
By multiple lives

And yet also open
To everything here -
Whatever world you come from,
Greetings, my dear!

"Num-num" for milk,
"Bum-bum" to get changed -
Both words you know
At one month of age,

You look like a bear cub
When your mom sits you up
And resound like a trumpet
When you give out a burp

Or you happily laugh
When you stand on her thighs
And she holds you up
And looks in your eyes

And when I say
You will grow up strong
You don't cry any more
And then stare along -

Everyone says
"What a beautiful child"
Lovely and thoughtful
Peaceful and mild

Wherefrom do you come?
What do you know?
What is your truth?
Into what will you grow?

What will you teach us?
What will you become?
Put pieces together
Into what sum?

How to combine
Wisdom of soul
With what exists
In this world?

All that you have been,
All that you see,
All that is given
And what you will be -

Masterpiece, artist,
Creation, creator,
Nature, mankind,
Shaped and the shaper,

Part you eternal,
Part me and my wife,
Part what you'll learn
And part all of life -

In those giant eyes
As you look to the ceiling
Full of great thought
Full of great feeling

Full of everything
That is true:
Lillian Gaia Shambat,
I love you!

Ilya Shambat

Fairy Tales

I have written several fairy tales and takeoffs on known fairy tales, with adult meaning.

Check them out at

Also feel free to look at The Frogs Project, where I took thematic drawings of frogs by a famous Russian-born artist named Victor Kinza and wrote poems to go along with them. These ended up telling a story: