Thursday, October 08, 2015

Personality Disorders and Self-Esteem

Personality Disorders Holocaust

With personality psychology we see terrible outcomes. What we see in effect is an effective holocaust perpetrated against people accused of personality disorders, along with an institution of de facto totalitarianism against everyone else. Using disorders whose definitions are very similar to the Nazi definition of Jew, the believers in personality psychology are waging a de facto holocaust on those accused of these disorders, as well as creating a de facto totalitarianism for everyone else.

As people have been presented as being criminal by virtue of their personalities, what has in fact been instituted is the Orwellian concept of crimethink: That one can be made criminal by virtue of how one thinks. And with that has been put in place a de facto totalitarianism that aims to control people's minds, people's personalities, and pursuant to that people's lives.

Which de facto totalitarianism has then been forced on countries intended to be free, with predictably hypocritical, oppressive and disastrous results.

First the hypocrisy. Every white, part-white, Asian, Hindu or Middle Eastern person living in United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Latin America, is there because their ancestors were immigrants. Immigrants are people who left their family, their community, their country, their tradition, and their way of life, to pursue a different way of life in the New World. According to the believers in personality disorders, that is something that only a sociopath or a narcissist would do. Which means that all of the aforementioned populations are descended from people they would describe as possessing narcissistic or sociopathic character.

For the people living now, that can affectuate in only two possible outcomes. Either they have kept true to ways of their ancestors - meaning, to ways of supposed narcissists and sociopaths - and are now living according to narcissistic or sociopathic adaptations - or they have broken with the ways of their ancestors, in which case they are supposedly narcissists or sociopaths themselves. Either way, this means that every white, part-white, Asian, Hindu or Middle Eastern person living in United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Latin America, is supposedly a sociopath or a narcissist. And if the black people on the territory of these countries (except South Africa) think that they are exempt from it, they should think again. Either they are African immigrants or descendants of African immigrants - in which case they are supposedly sociopaths or narcissists by the same mechanism as the preceding - or they are descended from slaves who at one point refused to be slaves any more and who are therefore supposedly sociopathic or narcissistic as well.

According to definitions of sociopathic and narcissistic character, as same can be portrayed also all the people to whom the contemporary world owes what it has. Who but a supposed sociopath or a narcissist would have the chutzpah and the temerity to break with the ways of the time to create such things as representative democracy, as was created by American founders at the time when monarchy was the supposedly divinely ordained order, and as has since then become the order of the First World and much of the rest of the world? Who but a supposed sociopath or a narcissist would have the gall to build railroads and skyscrapers and computers, to work to cure diseases, to conceive of any new idea or a theory or invention to which the world owes what it has? Who but a supposed sociopath or a narcissist would break with the ways of the time to do such things as create free markets, abolish slavery, start large-scale industry or charity or religious or social organization, push for women's or workers' rights, confront institutional corruption, develop the underdeveloped parts of the world, or confront such wrongs as sex trafficking and drafting of children into wars? And finally, most relevant for the people in psychology, who but a supposed sociopath or a narcissist would think up of something such as psychology as did its founders and doggedly put it forth despite the fact that it was in complete contradiction with ways and beliefs of the time and were scandalous to those ways and beliefs?

To the people whom the believers in personality psychology describe as sociopathic or narcissistic, is owed every significant improvement in history, whether it be political, scientific, social or economic. To such is owed the science of psychology itself and their own place - both as psychological practicioners and as residents of the New World. And the believers in personality disorders, in pathologizing risk-taking, passion, freedom of thought, personal freedom, romantic passion, innovative thinking, and willingness to take strong stands whether or not they be the popular stances in the time and the place, are denying the benefits of the same to the countries in which they operate and condemn these countries to floundering shorn of what made them great - or even possible - in the first place.

It should not be seen as coincidental that American academia significantly lost the amount of Nobel Prizes won by American scientists once these beliefs became widespread in academia. Nor should it be seen as coincidental that these beliefs have lead to a war against liberty and an effective totalitarianism taking place in ever greater sections of the free world. As more and more people and groups are demonized, pathologized and destroyed, the noose tightens more around the necks of all others and makes liberty harder and harder to come by. This results in a profound de facto totalitarianism that would not tolerate difference from itself even within the privacy of people's minds. Not even the Communists have been able to come up with a more insidious and more profound way to rob people of freedom, nor with a more hypocritical ideology, nor with a more complete usurpation of people's lives.

The belief in personality psychology is not only war against life and liberty; they are also a vast drain on competitiveness. Any mind that produces innovation is a mind that is original. An original mind will be seen as pathological or even as evil by those who equate health and goodness with the ways and beliefs of the time and the place. As the minds that are capable of innovation and creativity are attacked, thus lessens the country's ingenuity and intellectual quickness. This results in the nation losing competitiveness. Ingenuity will not abandon humanity, but it might very well abandon the countries that practice such ideologies, leading to these nations falling behind as the rest of the world, immune from such errors, surges ahead.

For an ideology such as this to exist in nations bound by their constitutional principles to protect and affirm freedom, is an act of violation of constitutional principles and thus in itself an act of narcissism and sociopathy. A violation not only in face of constitution, but also of liberty and of national good. The practicioners of such beliefs must be seen as such: sociopaths and narcissists by their own logic - and perpetrators of holocaust and de factototalitarianism in the free world by the logic of history. They, not the people whom they attack,are the true threat to the well-being of the nations in which they practice their beliefs.
Self-Esteem Abuses

Another such usurpation has been done in the name of self-esteem. The con runs as follows. First the person is told what to esteem themselves by, and in accordance to what code. Then the person is told to take responsibility for his life as a matter of achieving this manipulated code which is introjected into his consciousness under the rubric of self-esteem. The actual situation by transitive logic: The person is told what life to have and what to be and is made to take responsibility for living according to the lies of the people dishonest enough to perpetrate such a transparent fraud.

Besides serving as a method of brainwashing and enslavement, self-esteem movement also does much that is of poison to humankind. The person who has higher standards will always find it more difficult to think well of themselves than the person who has lower standards. In rewarding self-esteem, one therefore rewards those who lack standards and punishes those who have standards, resulting in an inverted value situation in which those who have the least expectations for themselves flourish and those who demand more of themselves are left licking their boots.
There are also many people who believe that abuse in relationships happens to people who do not possess high enough self-esteem. In fact, abuse happens a lot more against people who do have high self-esteem and who because of that may not be content to be someone's "kitchen bitch," punching bag, beast of burden, or any other parts of what is known as the traditional wife role. The worst abuses happen not against women who think poorly of themselves, but against women who think highly enough of themselves to not be content with perpetuating wrongful, oppressive attitudes and adaptations such as ones that masquerade as "tradition" and "family values." In the worst abuse situations, the abuser is trying to bludgeon the other person into subservience and out of her selfhood, including out of any self-esteem that she may possess. That does not happen because of low self-esteem. That happens because the person has high enough self-esteem to have objections to unfair, unrightful, and oppressive arrangements and ways of life. And portraying such a person as instead being lacking in self-esteem not only misdiagnoses the situation, but having fully misdiagnosed the situation prevents real solutions from being achieved.

Nor is the abusive behavior the result of low self-esteem. There are plenty of self-confident sport and military types who are brutal to their women and plenty of shy men who aren't. Helping the bully to have higher self-esteem is not going to prevent abusive behavior. He will just feel more empowered in being abusive.

My solution is to neither have high self-esteem nor low self-esteem. My solution is to not bother with self-esteem, period. It is to live rightfully however I feel about myself. I put it to you that doing that will do more for your self-esteem than any amount of therapy.

In misconstruing everything as self-esteem, the people who believe in the concept have misrepresented what actually is happening and created a universal diagnosis that is plainly wrong and whose effects have been highly deleterious. Now, people who are at the receiving end of any kind of wrong are accused of lacking in self-esteem and portrayed for that reason as being bad to anyone with whom they may come in contact. This scares away any potential support
and makes it easier for the bully to continue to bully. Instead of seeing the bully for what he is and what he does, it is now those at the receiving end of the same that are being blamed for his behavior. This gives incentive for the bully to abuse, knowing that the person at its receiving end will be blamed for it, seen as lacking in self-esteem or as damaged goods, and denied any potential support or love or respect. The worse the abuse, the more the person at the receiving end is seen as pathological, the less support for her and the greater his ability to injure, oppress, and entomb her. The result is a downward spiral leading to ever greater violence and abomination. This shows just how far from sanity, righteousness and integrity the concept of self-esteem has taken the world.

As the person at the receiving end of abuse and brutality is slandered as causing it through low self-esteem, such a person is denied a way out of the situation. Such a person is also denied a future and denied support. The result is perpetuation and incentivization of abusive practices. This - along with manipulating people into de facto slavery as part of striving to meet an imposed self-esteem construct, and along with inverting value and giving the world to its worst elements - have been the fleurs du mal of self-esteem psychology.

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