Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Players and Ethics

There are plenty of men who see their women as bad people but insist on staying with them. My response is that these men are playing a game.

If a woman really is a bad person, then one has no business having anything to do with her. But in these relationships not only do the men insist on staying with the woman but they do everything in their power to keep the women with them. That is because the man is playing a game. He gets a lot out of his relationship with the woman. He gets sex, he gets a clean house, he gets another source of income. But instead of rewarding the woman appropriately to what he gets from the woman, he instead decides that she is a bad person and treats her like trash.

Your wife or your girlfriend a bad person? Fine, don't be with her. Find someone whom you respect. Living with someone you don't respect is a stupid way to live.

But the man does not want that. He wants to see himself as a victim – of women, of liberalism, of “pussy-whipped” men – while benefiting from what the woman has to give. He is playing a game. And gamers have no business claiming to speak for ethics or for morality.

It is time that gamers be seen for what they are. A relationship that starts with deception can only tolerate more deception, and anything truthful – as well as any other competing fallacy – must be snuffed out for the deception to go on. It is time for deceivers to be seen for what they are and no longer be able to hide behind ethics. Doing that profanes ethics and turns it into a tool of evil, which it was never intended to be.


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