Saturday, October 24, 2015

Understanding Women

E. E. Cummings said that the final secret is man. I think that he is wrong. I think that the final secret is the woman.

Men are not difficult to understand. With women however we see a vast history of misunderstanding, generally drawing the conclusion that women are inferior or evil. These conclusions are wrong. The best people I've known have been women. There is nothing inferior or evil about them; they have much more to offer than the people who attack them.

One claim is that real men don't try to understand women. I never claimed to be macho, but I can do 320 pushups, and I do want to understand women. The reason is neither wanting to play them nor to control them. The reason is wanting to be a positive influence in the lives of people I care about.

There has been much thought put into place about understanding men than there has been about understanding women. I think that this is wrong. Women are 50% of humanity; and the more they are understood, the better results can be accomplished.

The misogynistic attitudes on that matter are simply ridiculous. Men who howl about the women's “vanity” or “promiscuity” see in them their own sins. If a woman is bad, then don't be with her; and if women are bad then don't be with them. I have a better idea. It is to understand the women well enough to relate to them and to have relationships that mean something.

Much more thought needs to be put into understanding women for real. I for one find women much more interesting than I find men. The more there is real knowledge on the subject, the less the room for conmanship, the less we see these ridiculous misogynistic beliefs and the better the lot of both men and women.


Blogger Authenticity@OS said...

Your comments are an invitation to a real dialogue without pre-judism. Men and women are basically the same except for their physiognomy which points out very clearly why they would not be androgyne.This biological difference brings about differences in behaviorism,but to call men/women evil for that matter is depending on who is giving his/her indifferent and unqualified statement.

12:44 PM  

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