Confronting ISIS
The ISIS claim that they are moral and that the West isn't. This is the biggest lie. The ISIS kidnap children and sell them into sexual slavery. They throw sulfuric acid into girls' faces for going to school. They are the most morally debased bunch of degenerates on the planet; and it is outrageous that they be getting away with the moral argument.
The ISIS sees United States as the source of world's evil. Here again they are wrong. If not for the United States, they would be practicing Communism. And if they had been practicing Communism, they would not be able to be Muslims at all. Whereas with America at the top they can be as Muslim as they want to be for as long as they are not killing Americans or their allies.
The ISIS hates Israel and thinks that it has stolen the land that rightfully belongs to the Muslims. They have not studied their history. Israel existed before it was conquered by the Muslims, and the Muslim invaders were far more brutal than Israel ever was. That land was Jewish for a far greater time than it was Muslim. If it is OK for the Muslims to invade and subdue Israel, then it is most certainly OK for the Jews to live there now.
For the Muslims who want to live peacefully in the West: You have a job to do. You need to confront those among yourselves who are at war with the West and bring them to justice. Peace is a two-way street, and if the Muslims really want to live in peace in the West then they will stop those among them who are at war with the West.
The more this is done, the lesser the need for military action, the greater the savings in money and in lives.