Wednesday, January 20, 2016

"Nice Guys" and Opportunity

For a long time on the Internet, there was a large constituency of young men who called themselves nice guys and said that women only go with jerks. I watched these people become more and more misogynistic as they went from “women only go with jerks” to “women make irresponsible choices in relationships” to “women are stupid and evil” to “women should be played, abused and controlled.” Which of course played into the hands of actual jerks, who looked for any excuse they could find to treat women like dirt even as they benefit from what the woman has to offer.

I do not consider myself a nice guy. I consider myself someone who does the right thing when I figure out what the right thing is. And the right thing – both for men and for women – is to treat each other right.

Right now, we are seeing wrongdoers in both genders in different places. For the most part, around the world, vastly greater wrong is done by men than by women; but wrong things are done by women as well, especially in the Western feminist cultures. I advocate this solution: For men who are willing to be good to women to get together with women who are willing to be good to men.

This will create good relationships for these men and women. It will also create an incentive on people in their home cultures to treat the other gender rightfully. The men who are not willing to be good to women, and the women who are not willing to be good to men, will be rendered uncompetitive; and there will be a real-world reason for them to change their ways.

I do not come into this from the position of my own self-interest. I do not care if I am never again with a woman for as long as I live. I apply to this the logic that is behind classical economics: That competition among self-interested entities leads to better outcomes for the comsumer. In relationships that means the following. An international flux for intermarriage will reward both the men and the women who are willing to treat their partners rightfully; and that will create better relationships all across the board.

I have heard many American men complain about how nasty and abusive the women in America have become. My response to them is: Apply the truly American thinking – the thinking of opportunity. An employed, non-violent American man is a dream-come-true for many women. Leave the misandrist feminists to their choices, and go with a good woman from somewhere else.

Do women only go with jerks? Not the ones who know what is good for them; and there are plenty of those, especially among women who have more experience. I am neither a jerk nor a nice guy, but I've had the attention of a number of wonderful women, and at no point did I see them as evil or stupid or try to play them.

My advice to these so-called “nice guys” is to think straight. They may not be competitive in American liberal culture, but they are highly competitive around the world. They are better than the Taliban. They are better than the country people in India, Russia or Africa. A woman who knows what is good for her will understand this and will act accordingly.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this opportunity-based thinking. It is at the basis of the Western economic system – meaning, at the basis of everything that people here have. The result will be a Western “nice guy” giving someone a chance at a better existence. And that will be good for him; for the woman; and for the world.


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