I once heard a young poet in DC attack
love poets, saying that nobody reads them.
That was not the fault of the love
poets. That was the problem with where society was at the time.
At the time, love was being attacked
and slandered by many people, from fascist feminists to predatory
lawyers. The first claimed it to be a patriarchial racket or
narcissism; the second claimed it to be a childish fantasy that
should be dealt with by giving them money to screw over their former
partners. In such a climate very few people would want or dare to
attempt love; which means that love poetry would not resonate with a
majority of people.
I seek to change all that. And I will
do so by addressing these beliefs.
On the first count: Many of the people
who spoke influentially in favor of love were women; and not stupid
or weak ones either. From Murabai in India to Mary Shelley and
Elizabeth Barrett Browning in England to Anna Akhmatova and Marina
Tsvetaeva in Russia, women have taken the lead in their civilizations
in practicing and articulating love. They did so while facing all
sorts of men who were far, far worse than the liberal men whom the
fascist feminists like to viciously abuse while having no guts to
attack real abusers. These women are far stronger and far wiser
people than fascist feminists. And they deserve to speak for women
far more.
The claim that it is narcissism is
equally ridiculous. While love did not work out for many in the baby
boom generation, it worked out for their parents. I know a number of
World War II – generation households that started with love at
first sight and lead to happy and productive relationships and are still going strong in their 80s. The baby boomers have been accused
of generational narcissism; the World War II generation hasn't. It
has been done – successfully – by people who are in no way
narcissistic; which means that it is not narcissism.
As for the claim that it is a childish fantasy: Don't tell this to
the World War II generation. I know eminent scientists and military
people from that generation who made – successfully – life-long
matches that started with love at first sight. These predatory
lawyers exploit people's failure and misery to enrich themselves
while making the world worse for everyone. They are absolute and
complete scoundrels. And they are the last people whose advice one
should consider.
When love is under attack from many directions, the people who
want it are in one or another bind. This of course reinforces the
incorrect impression that the problem is with love. No; the problem
is with the fact that it's being attacked from many directions, which
makes it very difficult to achieve and to sustain. When women or
blacks are oppressed, they do not achieve very much, which reinforces
the false impression that they are inferior. And when love is
oppressed, it leads to bad outcomes, which reinforces the false
impression that something is wrong with love.
The aforementioned beliefs are a result either of inadequate
research and judgment or of deliberate villainy. And neither deserve
to have currency in society. These false beliefs have to go, and they
have to remain gone forever. I am doing my part toward that outcome.
I hope that others do their part as well.
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