Monday, September 12, 2016
We see many conservatives militating
against the Wikileaks project. They are not being true to the ethic
of conservatism. Conservatives believe – or claim to believe – in
making the government accountable to the voter. The military is a
part of the government. Which means that it, too, must be held
accountable to the voter.
Now I can think of any number of
reasons why somebody may dislike Julian Assange. But I see no reason
to dislike Bradley Manning. In many respects he is a true American
patriot, who informed the voter about what the American government
was doing with his money – and faced dreadful consequences as a
result. So that while Mr. Assange remains living comfortably in an
embassy, Bradley Manning is getting the worst of it. He is the true
hero in this situation.
The conservatives need to decide
whether they want the government accountable to the voter or whether
they do not want the government accountable to the voter. They need
to decide whether to apply to the military the same scrutiny as they
apply to the Department of Education and the EPA, or whether to deny
scrutiny of the Department of Education and the EPA as they seek to
deny the military. It is either one or the other.
As for the American libertarians, if
they truly believe in liberty, they will be protecting people's
liberties from all entities that infringe on such things, whether
these be public or private. There are any number of private entities
– from organized crime to corrupt networks in law and medicine to
communities where men like to rape their children and batter their
wives – that violate people's rights in America to a far greater
extent than is allowed the federal government. While the libertarian
sees all-too-well the potentials for corruption and tyranny in the
federal government, he overlooks similar potentials in private
entities; and that makes a mockery of his efforts.
The military is a part of the
government; and if the government should be scrutinized, then so
should the military. No gain is achieved by torturing people or
shooting unarmed civilians from gunships. The military must be
disciplined so that it does not do such things; and if it itself
fails to correct for such potentials, then the voter must do the job
Any organization – and any group –
is capable of a phenomenon that in psychology is known as groupthink.
They all start thinking the same way and reinforce one another in
their errors. One possible error that comes from this is deciding
that it is above the law. I have seen this done on the Internet; I
have seen this done in small towns; I have seen this done everywhere.
If the military gets so isolated in its groupthink that it thinks it
rightful to slaughter unarmed civilians at taxpayer expense, then
this potential needs to be checked from entities external to the
military; and if some socially conscious hackers do this, then they
are doing the right thing.
Is Julian Assange a jerk? Probably. But
Bradley Manning is not. He is a much truer American patriot than
anyone howling for the head of Julian Assange. He realized that the
military was in the wrong, and he has been facing horrible punishment
for his patriotism and courage.
The military was sent to Iraq to
dispose of Saddam Hussein. They betrayed the voter's trust, and made
Americans look like jerks around the world, by doing things that are
wrong by any standard. It is legitimate to fight enemy combatants; it
is not legitimate to kill more civilians than were killed by Saddam
These kinds of situations can be
avoided – and should be avoided – by having ombudsmen in the
military. These people should be there to check whatever ruinous
groupthink develops in the military and remind the military of what
it is there to do. The military is there to accomplish a mission. It
is not there to go hunting innocent people or act like a bunch of
creeps. And if it chances to forget such a thing, then there need to
be people to remind it.
I do not care what happens to Julian
Assange. He is not the hero in this situation; Bradley Manning is. If
the military forgets what it is there for and goes out hunting
civilians and killing more people than Saddam Hussein, then the voter
and the taxpayer deserve to know about this. These are far greater
violations than anything we see with anything done by EPA, Department
of Education or FDA. And a person who truly believes in government
accountability to the voter and the taxpayer will recognize this and
act accordingly.
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