Wednesday, June 14, 2017
For a very long time I have encountered
attitudes such as that religion and spirituality are for idiots,
lunatics and conmen. My response to that is that I do not have the
luxury of such beliefs.
I am in no way a stupid person. I was
very precocious as a child, and as a child I developed – through my
own motivation – extensive knowledge of subjects such as geography,
biology and astrophysics. I have an education in economics and
psychology from a major American university, that I got at age 18. I
also have extensive experience in computer industry. I can do logic
well enough. However what I have found is that many people who claim
to have logical worldview have adopted logic as a worldview rather
than as a method; and that is a wrong conception of logic. Logic is
about reasoning and evidence. When an experience contradicts one's
worldview, the logical thing is not to deny the experience – as
many who have this worldview are prone to doing – but to correct
the worldview.
It is frequently thought by people who
have this worldview that religious people are bigots. While some are
just that, there are any number of others who have a very good reason
for what they believe. I started out as a militant atheist. But I
have had any number of experiences with less than a billionth chance
of happening, whose only explanations are spiritual; and I am I no
way the only one.
I will share some of these experiences
In 1995, I had a passionate
relationship with a woman named Michelle, who had finished Harvard in
three years and who was a poet. In 2000 I wanted to have it
recapitulated. What happened was that I started corresponding with a
woman named Michele, who had finished Caltech in 3 years, who was a
poet, and who in 1995 had had a passionate relationship with a man
from Bulgaria whose last name was similar to my middle name.
One day my girlfriend woke up in the
middle of the night complaining that her ex-husband was talking to
her in spirit. In the morning she decided to test this, so she said
in her head, “OK Todd, if you have been talking to me in spirit
then call me.” 30 seconds later Todd calls her and tells her that
he has been talking to her in spirit.
One day, in a meditation, I saw an
outpouring of sorrow in Argentina. Shortly thereafter I picked up a
paper and found out that there was an outpouring of sorrow in
Argentina because someone had died.
I used to see “master numbers” on
the clock – numbers such as 2:22 or 5:55. One day I set up an
experiment. I set four different clocks to four different times, and
I recorded every time that I looked at the clock. One in ten of what
I got were “master numbers” when by chance it would be one in
I was contemplating what kind of a
woman I wanted, and I decided that I wanted the best artist. Soon
after that, I met Julia, who was a magnificent artist as well as an
especially beautiful woman, and she was in the middle of leaving her
husband, which is the only time that a woman as beautiful as her
would be single. I am neither especially attractive or especially
socially skilled. When I met her, I wanted to introduce her to a
friend of mine who is a successful businessman. But she told me that
she had feelings for me. The result was me being with her and writing
her a poetry book that made me – and her – the talk of DC poetry
It would not at all be logical to deny
these experiences, and many others that I have had. It is logical to
use them to have a more complete view of reality. I do not deny
chemistry or physics. I see it as being part of the picture rather
than the whole picture. It is wrong to deny the validity of such
things; but it is also wrong to deny the reality of spiritual
I had a mathematics teacher named Henry
Biddle, who was a devout Christian. Mr. Biddle was a brilliant and
ethical man who continued teaching mathematics well into his
retirement. He told me that there was nothing contradictory between
Christianity and science. I know a distinguished professor at UVA,
Roy Wagner, who talks openly about his and other people's spiritual
experiences. I know a man who has written a book, sold in
universities, showing how the paradigms of modern physics are
consistent with the existence of God. I know a man with physics
education who was able to tell my mother that her father, who was at
that time across the country, had a pain in his arm.
Most people believe in something. The
claim that all of these people are fools and lunatics – and the
only rational people are ones who do not have such convictions – is
narcissism and ignorance at its worst. Some people appear to have
made a virtue of closed-mindedness. They think that they are logical
and rational, but they aren't. If you haven't had such experiences,
the logical solution is to investigate further. It is not to attack
the people who either have had spiritual experiences or have
religious beliefs.
When I was in high school, I had a
conversation with a young mathematics teacher and talked to him about
spiritual experiences. He told me that he ignored such things. This
shows the basic dishonesty of the mindset. He disregards the things
that do not parse into his view of the universe. That is not logic,
and that is not reason. It is dishonesty.
Logic, once again, is a method, not a
worldview. A logical person investigates things instead of attacking
them or dismissing them. What I have seen on the part of any number
of people who claim this worldview, however, is hideous conduct. They
have assumed that anyone who has either spiritual experiences or
religious beliefs is a fool, a lunatic or a conman. Out of this
consideration they viciously attack anyone who has the preceding. The
problem is, they will be attacking that way the bulk of humanity. And
that is in no way a rational standpoint.
Now many of these people point to all
sorts of cruelties that have been done by religious people. That has
happened all right; but the religious people do not have a monopoly
on such things. Stalin perpetrated much greater cruelties than either
the Inquisition or Taliban. The ancient Romans saw Judaism and
Christianity, as well as beliefs of the Druids, as superstitions; but
they created an order in which three quarters of the population were
slaves. The Chinese Communists – where do I start. I have seen much
greater nastiness and cruelty in skeptics and 1990s feminists than I
have seen in the Christians. Some recent beliefs in psychology claim
that some people are evil and can only be evil whatever they do,
which is a completely irrational standpoint. Christianity is much
more reasonable on this subject. Christianity says that any sinner
can be redeemed, and that anyone can act rightfully. This is
consistent with the most basic human reality – the reality of
choice and will. A person who actually is logical will recognize this
Then there is the claim that religion
is ignorance. No, it is not. It is ignorance to deny real science
such as the science of global warming; it is not ignorance to follow
the Bible or investigate Eastern religions or have spiritual
experiences. In science itself, we see a succession of worldviews.
That is especially the case in psychology, where we went from Freud
to lobotomy man to humanistic psychology to personality psychology. A
real scientist knows that there is always more there. A person who
does not think so is not a scientist, nor is he a logical person. He
is a bigot in every meaningful sense.
The bigotry of which he accuses
religious people, but which he has in a much greater measure.
Once again, I started out as a militant
atheist. My experiences have proven me wrong on that count. I keep
seeking to reconcile what we know from science with what I – and
many, many others – have known and experienced. Maybe Mr. Biddle
was in the right; he most certainly was a better person than either
these so-called “skeptics” or myself.
Now to be fair I've also seen keen
intelligence in people outside Christianity, especially people of
Hindu background. When I was in the computer industry I worked with
many people from India, and most of them were highly spiritual while
also being good at what they did. I have maintained friendships with
some of these people, and both they and I have had useful things to
tell one another. I have respect for these people. They were good
enough at reasoning likewise. But that did not keep them from
practicing yoga or meditation or from believing in Hinduism.
In short, it is time that correct
conclusions be drawn on this subject. Logic is a method, not a
worldview. Use logic to investigate things, which is the correct
place for logic. If something contradicts the worldview, do not stomp
it out but use it to investigate further. That way you arrive at a
more complete understanding of reality.
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