Wednesday, August 02, 2017
At the suggestion of someone on
Facebook I have been reading about feminist theory. It appears that
the central contention of contemporary feminism is that women are a
class that has been historically oppressed and exploited, and that
gender roles are a part of that exploitation.
First of all, are women a class? I do
not believe that they are. Women are not a class, women are a gender.
Some women are born high, and some women are born low. There are
women in positions of influence and there are women in positions of
complete powerlessness. There are all sorts of differences among
women, just as there are among men. A woman can mean anything from
Queen Elizabeth to the woman in Zambia selling tomatoes to earn $1 a
day. I do not see how it is rightful to regard women as a class.
Can gender roles be oppressive to
women? Of course. But then again so can women being robbed of their
right to being beautiful. In Sweden, feminism is more advanced than
it is in the United States, and women there are not under pressure to
suppress their beauty. Denying women the right to beauty is like
denying men the right to physical strength. It denies them the area
of their clear superiority. And that is not liberating toward women;
it is oppressive to them.
I do have things in common with any
number of feminists. Like them, I was an unattractive brainy person
in school, and I can understand how an intelligent woman would
justifiably get angry because she is not valued for her intelligence
and is seen as a loser or a freak. However attacking beautiful women
and men who like them is not the way to solve anything at all. A
woman in this position has two choices. One – the path that I
myself took – is to become more attractive; and in my adult life I
have been at no shortage of female attention, including extremely
beautiful female attention. Another is to arrange her life in such a
way that her appearance does not matter, and that she can work as an
engineer or a technical professional, where things of this sort count
for nothing.
There was a person on the Internet whom
some saw as a misogynist, and someone said that he liked women who
behaved the way that he wanted them to behave and did not like women
who behaved in a way that he did not want them to behave. My question
is, Isn't that everyone? Does the fact that someone dislikes one
woman mean that he dislikes all of them? Does the fact that most
people dislike Jeffrey Dahmer mean that all of them are misandrists?
Women are different. Men are different. So you don't like some women.
That doesn't mean that you don't like them all.
Lastly, if one needs to like all women
in order to not be considered a misogynist, then one needs to like
all men in order to not be considered a misandrist. According to this
logic, disliking just one person makes you a cad. This is not a
realistic standard. People will like whom they like, and they will
dislike whom they dislike. This is the case both with women and with
So let's put an end to all this crying
wolf. If a real misogynist comes along, fine, call him that; but
don't apply that to people who aren't. The more one cries wolf, the
less people become credible when a real wolf appears. And this plays
right into the hands of real misogynists, of whom they are plenty and
with any number of whom I had the misfortune to interact.
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