Friday, September 08, 2017

The War Of Two Worlds

For a long time I was getting attacked by feminists, who wrongfully saw me as a misogynist. Then I left that world to join a very different world, at which point I suddenly became a pussywhipped idiot and a male feminist.

According to the beliefs of many in that world, a man should control the woman and do everything in his power to beat her down and intimidate her lest she should attempt to leave him, and that he was justified in doing everything in his power to destroy her if she does. I showed the people in that world that this was not the case. When my wife left me to be with another man, I maintained a positive relationship with her. We still have a positive relationship. If a man who has been maligned as much as I have been maligned can do this with a woman who has been maligned as much as my former wife has been maligned, then any man can do this with any woman.

Right now we are seeing the two worlds clash, and I am not taking either side. On both sides we have seen exceptionally vicious behavior. When Hitler and Stalin are fighting each other, the solution is not to take the side either of Hitler or of Stalin. It is to protect the innocent and let Stalin and Hitler keep beating each other.

We have of course seen viciousness all around. We have seen viciousness from the feminists. We have seen viciousness from the Fathers' Rights people. We have seen viciousness from the skeptics. We have seen viciousness from the people involved in personality psychology movement. Among the followers of Christ, we have seen some who favor righteousness without love and some who favor love without righteousness. It appears however that Christ wants us to have both; and this is the course that I am choosing to take.

Do feminists have a point? Yes. Do the Father's Rights people have a point? Yes. When men are being jerks to women, the women have the right to be angry. The same is the case on the other side. What they do not have the right to do is take out on the innocent their anger at someone guilty. If a man raped you, you do not have the right to attack all men. If a woman screwed you over, you do not have the right to attack all women. The people who get attacked in such situations are the least guilty ones of all parties. The women who get mistreated are usually women who have good will toward men and are willing to treat men right; and the men who get mistreated are usually men who have good will toward women and are willing to treat women right. Which means that the better get punished for the sins of the worse. And that is not a rightful state of affairs.

In the recent election I did not vote. I did not know which candidate was better. Trump is a throw-back to 1980s, and Hillary Clinton is a throw-back to 1990s. Both decades were good economically but awful socially. In one the men were jerks, and in the other the women were jerks. I did however write statements defending Donald Trump against his attackers at Psychology Today, who diagnosed him as a narcissist. I take issue with this concept. According to the definition of narcissistic personality disorder, the world owes vastly to its narcissists. If it is narcissistic to seek great success or to have original ideas, then most people who've had great success or original ideas were narcissists. The upshot of this is that the world owes vastly to people with this disorder.

So now we are seeing two worlds clash: The world that labeled me a misogynist and the world that labeled me a pussywhipped idiot. Christ does demand that we forgive our transgressors, but He does not demand that we side with them against their enemies who were likewise transgressors against us. So I am going to sit this one out. Let Stalin and Hitler keep beating each other to pulp. And let's also make sure that as few people as possible wind up as casualties in their foolish conflict.


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