Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Charlottesville And Domestic Terrorists

After the recent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, I have been seeking to make sense of the reasons for them, and I found very little sense in them.

One people whom they appear to be against are the blacks. What they appear to not understand is that they and the inner-city black men have a lot in common. They both are Christian, or so they think that they are. They both are macho, violent and anti-intellectual in their thinking. When I was in Northern Virginia I saw groups riding the subway that consisted of young men who appeared to be from the inner city and young men who looked like what some call “rednecks.” These two groups have culturally more in common with one another than either does with the liberals, and I think it the height of foolishness for the two to be hateful to one another.

They also appear to be against the Jews. Apparently they think that the Jews have bad morals. They obviously have not met my grandmother. She was a Jew, a Communist and a Russian; but she had every virtue that the American conservatives claim to have. She worked hard. She was honest and responsible. She was dedicated to her family and put its needs above her own. She is the proof that what these people are saying about the Jews is completely wrong. Yes there are Jews who are scoundrels; but Jews do not own scoundrelhood.

Homosexuals – well. Homosexuality is a sin, but hatred is a bigger sin, and while I myself have no interest in homosexual matches, despite many offers toward that effect, it is far worse to be ugly to people than it is to be homosexual. It may very well be that God hates homosexuality, but Christ demands that we love our neighbor, and that is the case even if he is gay.

Feminists – there are good ones and there are bad ones. I have nothing at all against women who want women to have careers or to have a safe life at home. I have a lot against women who want to be jerks, but once again these women do not own jerkhood. A jerk is a jerk, whether a woman or a man. A man who drives his car into a crowd of people and kills or injures 20 people is a jerk; and even Catherine McKinnon is not a bigger jerk than is he.

Probably the most ironic thing about this is that these people are not looking at who actually is a threat. China is rising, and it is Communist, even if only in name. India is rising, and it is not Christian. We all know about Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea. The Jews who are doing well in America are doing so entirely in agreement with American stated values. They get where they are through education and hard work. That means that they are better Americans than these people, who think that they are American patriots but who so far have done very little for America except make American people look like jerks.

You want to do something good for your country? Then do something good for your country. Build better cars, invent better software, construct better skyscrapers. You want to do something for your culture? Then do something good for your culture. Write a good song, make a nice painting, write a poem. Do not think that injuring innocent people makes you look like anything better than a terrorist.

So this is where I leave it. There is very little of merit in what these people are doing, and while I have absolutely no use for political correctness neither do I have any respect for what they do. There are real ways to benefit your country, and there are real way to benefit your culture. They do not consist of acting like the Al Queada and making your people look like jerks.


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