Monday, September 18, 2017

Christ's Teachings And Correction Of Left And Right

It appears that Christ teaches us whatever we need to be in order to be pleasing to God. He would provide whatever is in your character, or at least I believe He has been doing that with me. In my case it has been quite a lot. I did not realize how bad I was, or am. Being in contact with a perfect being shows the extent of one's flaws; and even the better people – which I am not – will feel completely inferior to Christ.

Christ has been teaching me many things – honesty, humility, principle, responsibility, self-control. Any number of these things – especially humility – I did not see for a long time as a virtue; but having a being such as Christ come into your life without being supercilious makes a very strong case for humility. If the most powerful being in the known Universe can be humble in his relations to you, then that means that you too should be humble. The others are virtues inequivocally. Many people speak in favor of things such as responsibility, but they do not practice it. There is nothing responsible about poisoning the planet. Whereas the kind of responsibility that God appears to demand from us – making sure that our actions have the right consequences – is most certainly a virtue.

One thing that I have learned is that, if someone bends the rules, then others will bend them as well, and in many cases they will be doing it for very wrong things. If conscience is gone, then people will do unethical things to the planet. People will do what is in their short-sighted self-interest but that impacts badly on other sentient beings. People will be rapacious and short-sighted. Whereas with Christ there are certain rules, but they work for the better.

So Christ has also been telling me to waste nothing. That is rightful as well. This is something that unfortunately the Western civilization has for a long time not done, and it is something that people such as the Native Americans understand a lot better. When they killed a buffalo, every part of the buffalo was used for something. The Incas worked out agricultural practices that fed everyone without being destructive to nature. This is a matter that other civilizations understand much better than do us. And I do believe that this understanding is consistent with the will of God. I do not believe that the creator would be happy with people plundering the creation with no eye toward posterity, or with people destroying what they cannot at this time re-create.

On many matters the “greenies” and the “pinkos” have a point, and it is a point that I consider to be consistent with Christ. You do not destroy what you cannot re-create. You do not treat workers like rubbish. Now any number of people in these mentalities have a negative view of Christianity; but that is a folly. In fact within Christianity there are many reasons to espouse at least parts of the agenda of both. Once again, I do not believe that God would be happy about people destroying what they cannot re-create. Nor do I believe that God would happy about people treating others badly.

Now I have known any number of people on the Left. There are many people who think badly of them, but even among the Commies there were many who came from rightful considerations. There are many people on the Left who do not like to see the nature plundered or workers treated badly. These are completely legitimate considerations. A true Christian would take heed of these things.

Of course when they decide that the Western civilization is the root of all evil or that the “propertied class” should be slaughtered they are doing a massive wrong. It should however be possible to address their legitimate concerns without partaking of these and other grievous errors. These, once again, can be very well addressed through the Bible. God would not be happy about people destroying what He has created and what they cannot re-create. Nor would Jesus be happy about people treating their neighbor badly.

Now I used to have a very low view of conservatives; but I do not any more. I have a newly found respect for Christian conservatives. That is because I have myself experienced Christ – or so I think – and it is rightful that people would invite Him into their lives. However these people are not all doing the right thing either. There are many of them who live wasteful lifestyles, and there are many of them who have no compassion. Neither of these attitudes are likely to be pleasing in the eyes of Christ. I want these people to change these attitudes while retaining the real Christian virtues of character, ethics and hard work.

So Christ stands to correct both those who strayed from the straight and narrow to the Left and those who strayed from the straight and narrow to the Right. He would correct those who believe in wrong things and act unrighteously and those who poison the planet. And then He stands to put into place a much wiser order than any that man has devised.


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