Saturday, February 17, 2018

Poetry And The Bible

My two favorite Biblical figures are David and Solomon. The reason is that both were excellent poets; and Solomon was also a brilliant thinker.

Now there is something quite fishy about how Solomon was conceived. David took the wife of one of his soldiers and sent him to die in war, which is of course not a rightful course of action at all. However if he had not done that Solomon would not have been born; and we would not have the Proverbs, the Song of Songs and the golden age of Israel.

So there are some people who think that I did the wrong thing by marrying my wife when she was at the time with another person. I have several things to say on the subject. First, they were not even married. Secondly, she had been trying to leave that person for a long time before I had anything to do with the matter. And finally, their relationship was a complete rip-off for her. She was doing many things for that man; he wasn't doing much besides beating up on her and the kids. And finally, if I had not married her, Lilian would not have been born.

I did not kill that man or send him to die in war. Far from it. I honored his parental authority over their son, and I advocated for fatherhood to my former wife. The last stance did a lot to destroy my relationship with her. So now she is with another man. I am not attacking their relationship. Instead I've maintained a good relationship with her, and my daughter benefits from the attention of two loving and attentive parents.

I want this to be an example for other people. I want to show, by example, that you do not need to become an enemy of a woman if she leaves you. I want to show, by example, that there are much better things than domestic violence. And I want to show, by example, that love can survive even when a relationship ends.

Neither David nor Solomon lived what would be known now as the traditional lifestyle. They both had any number of wives, and Solomon also had many concubines. However both have been major contributors to the Bible; and both have done a lot for Israel.

Now I would consider it blasphemy to attempt to compare myself to Jesus. However it is not blasphemy to compare myself to David; and there are many things about David to which I can relate. His family thought nothing of him; but he wrote the Psalms and became the best king that Israel had. He did commit a sin regarding Uriah the Hittite. However he also did many much better things.

So we have many people attacking Bill Clinton for his affair with Monica Lewinski. However Clinton did a lot more good than he did harm. Under him American economy added 23 million private sector jobs; and he was the only president in recent history to have done anything effective about the deficit.

So both King David and King Solomon were excellent poets. And while many these days do not have value for poetry, the best parts of the Bible are poetry. I want to see poetry resurrected. And one way in which this can be done is to remind people of the Psalms and the Song of Songs.


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