Monday, October 15, 2018

Global Warming And Big Lies

I have seen climate deniers referring to clean energy people as Luddites. This argument is a Big Lie. It is in fact the deniers that are the Luddites, attempting to sabotage progress toward better technologies in order to force reliance on bad technologies.

The same people claim such things as that oil is progress and clean energy is stagnation. Another Big Lie. Oil is no more progress now than horse and buggy was at the beginning of 20th century. It is clean energy that is progress. Progress toward better technologies; smarter technologies; technologies that will fulfil people's needs at present and greater levels with fewer destructive effects.

There are others who claim clean energy to be bad for jobs or for the economy. Yet another Big Lie. Clean energy will create vast numbers of jobs, both in white collar and blue collar sector, putting to work the people who have been dislocated by flight of jobs abroad. There will be people to design the equipment; there will be people to put into place the equipment; and there will be people to maintain the equipment. All this will create jobs and boost the economy.

We also have people claiming such things as that global warming is a hoax. Another lie. Global warming was known to both Soviet and American scientists as early as 1950s. The Soviet Union and America were enemies, and enemies do not conspire with one another.

Then there is the claim that it is an attempt for socialist takeover of the economy. More lies. Clean energy can be put into place by private sector as well as it can be put in place by public sector. To me it matters absolutely nothing who puts it into place, for as long as it is done. Clearly in America the public option is a non-starter. However private efforts to put into place these technologies are perfectly consistent with capitalism and perfectly consistent with conservatism.

Then we have the claim that people who recognize the reality of global warming are sheep unthinkingly buying into academic line. I for one am not a sheep at all. I know more about original thinking than any global warming denier. I consider 10,000 scientists affirming global warming to be better authority than deniers of global warming, most of whom are not scientists and the bulk of whom are abusive creeps. It also accords with my own thinking. This should be common sense. You raise carbon dioxide emissions while cutting down trees that absorb carbon dioxide, you have problems. To think to the contrary is to not be cognizant of reality; and that is not the behavior of rational people.

I am not driven in this by power or anything of the sort. I seek to bequeathe my daughter a better, not worse, world than I have found. That is the meaning of responsibility. That is the meaning of ethics. That is the meaning of being a good parent. And yes, that is the meaning of being a person who cares about what world we have.

Now the deniers have been absolutely vicious to me, as they have been to many others. I do not care. The issues here are important enough for me to endure such things. It is time that more people stand up to deniers and do what needs to be done for our children. And when you find Big Lies being perpetrated by them, call their bluff.


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