Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Language, Money, Logic, Consciousness: The Valid And The Invalid

Everyone wants to see what they do as important; and in many cases they create virtual religions toward that effect. Some of what they postulate is right, and some isn't.

It is valid to say that language has effect on how we think. It is not valid to say that language construes reality.

It is valid to say that in many situations people can find solutions to their problems. It is not valid to say that all problems that a person may experience is due to negativity in his consciousness.

It is valid to say that money has vast influence. It is not valid to say that “money talks, bullshit walks.” There were many situations in history in which the poorer party conquered the wealthier party; and while money very much does talk in many situations, it is not the only thing that does.

It is valid to say that logic is a useful form of cognition. It is not valid to see it as the only valid form of cognition or to see anyone using anything other than logic as fools, lunatics and conmen. And it is especially not valid to see the spiritually inclined as illogical or irrational. In many cases they have had very real experiences. When confronted with something that contradicts one's worldview, the logical thing to do is to correct the worldview. And as someone who started out as a militant atheist, I can say with full certainty that I do not have the luxury of skeptical beliefs if I am at all to be honest.

My mother, who came close to being accepted into mathematical program in Soviet Union, said that mathematics is queen of science. Once again, nobody questions the importance of mathematics; but there are many important sciences, mathematics being only one of them.

Once again, it is valid to see what you do as important. It is not valid to think that it is the only thing that is important, or to accept wrongful attitudes as part of what you do. Language, money, what's in your consciousness, all matter. However don't tell me that you are construing reality with language, or that unless I have billions of dollars I don't stand to have credibility, or that, if I were to rape you and kill you, it would be your fault rather than mine.

Separate the valid from the invalid. And then arrive at correct use of – language, money, logic, consciousness, and everything else that is there.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Promise Of Hydrogen

In 1990s, there was talk that biotech industry would be for the next decade what computer industry was for 1990s. I knew that that was crap. There is a lot more that can be done with computers than with biotech; and while I expect biotech to be a solidly growing field I do not expect it to ever become as big as computers.

There is however a field that can become as big as the computer industry. That field is hydrogen energy. Hydrogen can create clean energy and clean water at the same time. Going to hydrogen will create millions of jobs in both engineering and construction, and that will achieve economic benefit comparable to that of the computer industry.

Hydrogen can be derived from ocean water using solar energy. Both ocean water and solar energy are abundant, and neither is at the risk of running out. Hydrogen from the reaction can then be sent through special safety-assured pipes to places of energy and water consumption, there to be reacted with atmospheric oxygen to create both energy and water.

Now there are some people who claim that hydrogen is dangerous and unstable; but in fact a hydrogen transmission network has been operating in Germany for decades without problems. All you need to do is create double pipes – glass on the inside, steel on the outside – with sensors and valves in the middle to shut off flow in case of a pressure drop. That makes it at least as safe as current technologies.

Hydrogen economy will replace the electric grid and the water delivery system with a single seamless network. Vast amount of jobs will be realized during its construction; and vast savings will be realized over the long term. The people who have been displaced through flight of jobs abroad will be gainfully employed once again. And that will do more to support American jobs than any amount of tariffs or quotas against foreign imports.

While the utility of biotech is limited, the utility of hydrogen is vast. We are talking here about a technology that stands to fuel the world. We are talking here about a technology that stands to create millions of jobs in both engineering and construction. We are talking here about a technology that stands to replace inefficient, polluting technologies with a technology that is efficient and non-polluting.

I highly recommend doing more research into the matter. On my part I am promoting a Hydrogen Transmission Network ( To the people who think that oil is progress and clean energy is stagnation: The opposite is the case. Hydrogen is a path toward better technology. To the people who think that global warming is a ploy for government takeover of the economy: Hydrogen economy can be put into place by business as well as it can be put into place by government. I, for one, don't care for a moment who does it for as long as it gets done.

So that while the utility of biotech is limited, the utility of hydrogen is enormous. And putting into place the hydrogen technology will create prosperity comparable to what was created in 1990s by the computer industry, with vast benefits for people living now and people living in the future.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Government Corruption And Private Corruption

I have heard it said that a government big enough to give you everything that you want is also big enough to take away from you everything that they have.

Of course this is in no way limited to the government; and a private sector economy that is big enough to give you everything that you want is also big enough to take away from you everything that you have.

I see no reason at all to see the government entities as being qualitatively different from private entities. Both are composed of people – whether regarded as sinful or regarded as good – and I see no reason to see one as better or worse than the other. I come from the Soviet Union, and I've also lived in America and Australia. In all cases I have heard some horror stories. However while in the Soviet Union the perpetrator was the government, in America and Australia the perpetrators were private. Brutal and incestuous parents, mafia and the gangs, corrupt entities in business, old boy networks, venal small towns, corrupt courts, were the perpetrator in America and Australia. Which means that to actually stand up for liberty and righteousness one needs to confront these entities.

That is not what we are seeing from the libertarians. They attack an entity that is easy to attack – Western governments, which are for the most part quite benign. They rightfully see potentials for corruption in governments, but they fail to see them in entities that are not the government. This then allows entities such as communities built on incest to direct the libertarians' fire against entities fighting incest under the claim that they represent government overreach. Under the rubric of fighting the government, private corruption puts the libertarians in its service.

That governments are capable of wrongdoing, everyone knows. But not everyone sees the private corruption. From the standpoint of the person being abused, it does not matter if it is the government doing it or the town old-boy network; abuse is still perpetrated. And fighting abuse in places such as America means fighting these corrupt entities, not fanning New World Order conspiracy theories or becoming fools for an incestor's lie.

So that while governments are capable of doing wrong, they are not the only entities that are capable of doing wrong. And while government is being subjected to adequate scrutiny in Western democracies, corrupt private entities are not. Which means that to truly be fighting for liberty and righteousness, one has to confront these entities.

And until they do so, libertarians have no business claiming to be defenders of freedom.