Sunday, November 17, 2019

Cossacks And Cowboys

The Cowboys and the Cossacks are both regarded as symbol of manhood and freedom in their respective countries, America and Russia. Examining both of these groups sheds light as to the character of the manhood of both countries.

Both the Cowboys and the Cossacks are looked back upon fondly by many people because both groups were largely independent from the government. That carries appeal to those people who see government as organ of oppression. What people who think in this way fail to realize is that government is not the only organ that is capable of oppression, and both the Cowboys and the Cossacks were themselves guilty of brutal and oppressive tactics. But that does not reduce their appeal to people who have little perspective besides that of "government bad, people good." What is however instructive about both Cowboys and Cossacks is that these groups, operating in relative absense of government, give insight into the character of both American and Russian people in its raw form.

The Cowboys were settlers in America who moved to the frontier wanting to be away from the government. The Cossacks were peasants in Russia who likewise struck off on their own. Both groups valued their independence, and yet both groups were intensely patriotic. The Cossacks provided troops for the Russian army while demanding from the government some distance and tax breaks in return for their collaboration. The Cowboys likewise were likely to volunteer for American army, having it understood that the American government followed its promise of remaining true to its constitutional principles.

The Cowboys were focused primarily upon economic gain and went out to the Frontier to ranch. They also knew how to fight and fought to drive out the natives, to protect their property, and to defend their settlements from raids both by natives and by one another. They were both farmers and warriors - farmers by choice, warriors by necessity. The Cossacks were first and foremost warriors and fought for Russian army in its wars. They were the best warriors in Russian army, with Napoleon claiming that, if he had soldiers such as Cossacks, he would rule the world.

The Cossacks were led by a chief known as the hetman, with a Band Assembly known as Rada having legislative powers. They were sworn to an unwritten law of the Cossack tradition. The Cowboys followed a cowboy code as well that had frontier and Victorian influences. While the Cossack code was totally sworn to Cossack tradition, the cowboy code likewise had many traditional influences but also stressed self-reliance and was more tolerant of individualism.

The Cowboys were seen to be real men when they were able to hold their own in battle and to provide for their families. The Cossacks were mostly measured by their military success. The Cowboys had far more interest in economic gain than did the Cossacks, who had far less respect for property or wealth and frequently conducted raids of neighboring people and taking their property.

The Cowboys and Cossacks were both masculine and violent cultures. But whereas the Cowboys had some chivalric notions to go along with their
violence, the Cossacks were blatantly misogynistic. Both cultures were full of brutality; but Cowboys also had some noble notions regarding treatment of women that Cossacks did not. Alongside Cowboys there were also "cowgirls," or women who went to Frontier to farm and to ranch. There is no record of women Cossacks, or of women having any place in Cossack society except as bearers of children.

So were the Cowboys better than Cossacks? Not on all modes of quantification. In the contemporary times, the Cossack descendants score higher than their neighbors in literacy, whereas the Cowboys and their descendants are aggressively anti-education and see schools and universities in the same derogatory way in which they see the government.

Take all these things and put them together, and you know everything you need to know about manhood in Russia and America.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Removing the beam from one's eye

As someone who's written in favor of goodwill between men and women, I am asked such questions as “what if you've found terrible things in your partner's character?” The response to that is, By what code? If you are using Adler or Freud or self-esteem psychology toward that effect, then your analysis is going to be wrong. You may find things that these people think to be terrible that are not terrible at all. If you are applying a wrong reference point, you will come up with wrong conclusions.

I have seen such conclusions made by contemporary psychology. Someone may be genuinely altruistic and like helping people, only to be told that this is a product of low self-esteem. Someone may want to love and be loved, only to be told that this is the product of narcissism. I take issue when good things are presented as bad things. And we see plenty of that in psychology.

When people have wrongful expectations, usually as a result of wrongful beliefs such as the above, they are going to find nobody whom they would find of good character. When expectations are absurd ones or incorrectly informed, nobody will be able to meet them. There will be people pretending to meet them. They are known as players. One would have screened out most of what is out there and wound up with absolutely the worst.

The Greeks made a similar mistake. They applied ridiculous standards toward women. No human woman could meet the standards they set. Then they decided that women were inferior or evil. They became misogynistic, and they passed that attitude to posterity. Women are still suffering today as a result.

Similarly, the misandrists became that way because they applied to men ridiculous standards – standards that no human male could meet. So they decided that men were bad – an error mirroring that of the Greeks.

Now seeing all this, some men are of the opinion that one should not love women because they are not perfect. Barring the issue of what it means to be perfect, this opinion is wrong. A woman may not be perfect by one's definition, but she still may possess good qualities; and she would be lovable, whether or not she is perfect.

Probably the worst approach to relationships that I have found is in that of the perfectionist. These people see only the dirt. However good the partner may be, they will still find all sorts of things to pick on in their character. They make everyone miserable, including themselves. They only see bad things and they see nothing else. This is not only a recipe for misery but complete ingratitude. They get all sorts of value out of the relationship; but they only see the imperfections in the partner and treat them accordingly. This is not only destructive, it is dishonest. If one really thinks that the partner is bad then he should not be with her at all. And if one gets things of value out of the relationship, then he is obligated to treat the partner right.

This behavior is more common in men than it is in women; but there are women who do this as well. They justify themselves in their behavior by claiming that men are evil – in the same way as men who behave this way justify their behavior by claiming either that women are evil or that their partner is. In both cases, the solution is to call the bluff of the person doing this. Say simply, “If I am so bad then why are you with me?” Let them find someone else whom they think is perfect. In most cases they will wind up missing what they had.

Another approach is the Christian one. “Remove the beam from your eye before removing the splinter from your brother's.” Now I do not necessarily understand how one can remove a beam from one's own eye, seeing that it is in his eye; but maybe such thing is possible with the help of mirrors. Of course most mirrors are convex and contain their own beam. The more mirrors – and especially the more cross-cultural mirrors – one finds, the more one can decide what is the beam in one's eye and what is the beam in the mirrors. This process works toward removing the beam in everyone's eyes, if they don't kill one another first.

Conflict in relationships is inevitable; what says things either for or against the partners is how it is handled. Same with all sorts of conflicts all around the world. People are attached to whatever is in their eyes, whether it is a beam or anything else. The process of which I am speaking is dangerous. It is however necessary if any kind of actual clarity is to be achieved.

When I write on social issues, some people claim that what I am doing is evil. It is not anything of the sort. I strive to make clear all sorts of matters on which all sorts of people are confused. If someone has a legitimate criticism of me – as opposed to a wrongful one – I would listen to it. If there is a beam in my eye, I am open to removing it. I will not however remove my retina and become blind.

In all cases, the question to ask is, What is the eye and what is the beam in the eye? What is there legitimately and what is not there legitimately? What inhibits vision and what is vision? What does one need to get rid of? What does one need to keep? If psychology thinks that there's something wrong with helping people or with loving people, then that is the beam in the eye of psychology. In such a situation, one is doing a good thing by helping to remove such a beam.

I would remove the beam in my eye, but I would not remove my retina in order that I look good in a convex mirror. I would scrutinize myself, but I would also scrutinize those who scrutinize me. In both cases the process works toward the clarity of everyone involved; and for as long as they do not kill one another in the process this is what needs to happen whenever cultures – and perspectives – conflict.

So when one talks about bad things in the partner's character, one needs to specify this: By what code? If one's code is wrong, then one would see good things as bad things and bad things as good things. If one's perspective is based upon wrong theories, then the problem is with one's perspective. Specify the nature of the mirror. And then one can see what is the beam in one's eye and what is the beam in the mirror.

Saturday, November 09, 2019

Will God Give You What You Want?

Sometimes we want things that God does not want us to want. In many such situations we don't know why God does not want us to want what we want, but the reasons become evident later.

Jews wanted a king. God did not want the Jews to have a king; but they were persistent, so God gave them what they wanted. They got a king; but he was a bad king. King Saul did many wrong things, and being king he could get away with it. The Jews, undoubtedly, understood later why God did not want them to have a king; but by that time it was too late.

When I was a teenager, I got tired of the stupid violence all around me and wanted to have no violence in my life. My adult life has largely been free from violence; but there are many things happened to me that were worse than violence. God granted me a wish that was against his wishes, and I had to live with the consequences of that choice.

When someone is hell-bent on doing something, God will deliver. However, once again, you will have to live with the consequences. Sometimes you understand God's reasons, and sometimes you don't. In all cases however there is a reason for God's decisions, and it is important to understand this reason and do what is rightful in the eyes of God.

Friday, November 08, 2019


You removed a brick from my
Head and threw me into the
From a logic of lines
To a logic of curves
Beyond syllogism
Beyond dialectic
Into the interconnectivity
Of substructure
And superstructure
From tree trunk
Into a canopy
Your soft cloud
Raining a million fractal snowflakes
Falling on earth in clear designs
That the sun from your heart
To nurture all of life.
I held your body
And soul
On rock outcropping
As river was gushing around us
Breaking against the rocks.
You are the final secret
The masterpiece of the universe
Its proudest creation
In which all its
Forms of logic
They think you illogical
That is because you are super-logical
Combining multiple methodologies
Into their most exquisite combination
And their highest product.
Guru is knowledge of the truth
But you are the truth
The precise embodiment
Of the sublime
Of the Universe
And all its parts.
Washing through every false
Eroding false linearity
Replacing it with the
Exquisite logic
Of circles and fractals and open skies.
The universe combines
Multiple forms of logic
And you are its masterpiece
In which all these forms of logic
Teach me the cosmic truth
Reveal to me the secrets
Of the exquisite universe
As they are embodied in you.
No, not the guru;
That which the guru exists to discern
Not the root
But the seed
That in it contains the embodiment of the whole.
You not only tell the truth
You are the truth
And in you
Is the whole
Of cause and effect.
Man is not final secret
You are
And to fathom you
Is to fathom the universe in all.
Be my inspiration
Be my instrument of ascension
Be my truth.
And as you co-create
The masterpiece
That is you
Let it branch off the universe
And create a new universe
In which your creator
And you
Combine his wisdom
And your wisdom
Into the highest

Of the two.

Thursday, November 07, 2019

Deniers (to the tune of "Russians" by Sting)

In America and Australia there's a growing hysteria
Comparing those who see global warming threat
To the North Koreans and the Soviets.
Mr. Inhofe said scientists lied to you,
I don't subscribe to that point of view
It's such an ignorant thing to tell
I hope deniers love their kids as well.

How can I save my little girl from the rule of Texas Oil?
We see misuses of common sense
By those the Right side of political fence
They don't care about biology
But only their false ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope deniers love their children too.

These people claim rationality as they deny planetary reality
And believe to be the soul of the nation as they practice prevarication
Freedom and wealth do not require
To burn oil or set rainforests on fire.
Mr. Limbaugh said it can't be true,
I don't subscribe to that point of view,
It's such an ignorant thing to tell
I hope deniers love their kids as well.

The facts of climatology
Are not dependent on ideology
What might save us, me, and you
Is if deniers love their children too.

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Fascism In Psychology

For a long time psychology was seen by conservatives as encouraging vanity and permissiveness. In recent decades however, there have been psychological trends that were nothing less than fascist.

The worst of these has been the claim that some people – in particular people with personality disorders and “sex predators” – are evil and can only be evil however hard they work, whatever good they do and whatever work they do on themselves. This goes against what we know about choice and about will. If people are responsible for their actions then anyone, even a “sociopath” or a “borderline” or a “narcissist,” can act in a rightful manner; and if some people cannot act rightfully whatever they do then people are not responsible for their actions. This is a worthless ideology, useful only for conducting witch hunts. And that is exactly what we have seen.

Another of these fascist trends has been the infantilization and pathologization of romantic love. Something beautiful was portrayed as something ugly, and people were robbed of one of the best experiences that a person can have. This was done in the name of reason, but once again there is nothing rational about this. Romantic love happens in every culture, including ones that forbid it. Some of the most brilliant minds in the Western civilization spoke in favor of romantic love. And while many in baby boom generation did not have it work for them, it worked very well for many in the World War II generation – people who cannot be portrayed as in any way irrational or infantile or irresponsible and who, now in their 80s, continue to love their partners. Romantic love is one of the greatest accomplishments of liberty; and attacking it is an attack on one of the greatest achievements of the Western civilization.

I have an undergraduate degree in psychology, and I know a number of psychologists who are excellent human beings. But even some of them have been swept up in this fascism. So it comes as no surprise that this fascism begat further fascism from the other side.

One of these is the fictitious “Parental Alientation Syndrome” that is used in courts to pathologize women who report abuse by their husbands against their children. According to the inventor of PAS – Richard Gardner – the only cure to it is taking the child away from the woman. So now, any number of wife-beaters and child molesters get full custody of the children by using PAS.

Another has been the claim, by psychologists of the Christian Right persuasion, that homosexuality is narcissism. Their claim is that narcissism is vitiated by direct exposure to God; which is actually a much more humane claim than that it is a lifelong condition that damns a person for life.

Which brings me to my central contention, and that is that in face of psychological fascism religion is a wiser and more humane alternative. According to both Christianity and Islam, any sinner can be redeemed; and that includes “sociopaths” and “sex predators.” While I am not against homosexuality, I have known homosexual people who converted to Christianity and stopped being homosexual. And that means that someone with “personality disorders” or disordered sexuality can likewise become a good citizen through embrace of religious beliefs. On this matter religion is light years ahead of psychology; and until psychology catches up and realizes that anyone,including a “sociopath,” can be a good person, religion will continue to attract people whom psychology damns – as well as people like me, who see the irrationality of these psychological theories.

There are of course problems with some of these religious beliefs as well. Turning someone from a predator into a terrorist is not an improvement; but giving someone designated by psychology as garbage a chance at a life is. If Paul – a tax collector who killed Christians – could become a righteous man of God through following Christ, then so can a “sociopath.” The mechanism behind this is choice and will. Qualities of which everyone, even a “sociopath,” is capable.

Religion can also be a force for fascism, and we continue to see that all the time. But whereas psychology damns some people for life, religion believes in redemption of all sinners. Until psychology has similar realizations, it will continue to lose power to religion; and it is only when it does have similar realizations that it will regain its place in society.

Monday, November 04, 2019

Class Struggles And Teenage Abuse

When I was a student at University of Virginia, I had something to eat at a food place. I heard someone working there say that he is a peasant and that's all he will ever be.

Sometimes I get angry when I hear such attitudes. I used to attend a private school, and I had an English teacher trying to tell me that I cannot have some thoughts or some ideas because I was not a great writer but just some little person. That is a very irresponsible thing to say to a student. America is meant to be a place where dreams can come true through determined effort; and I for one am certainly willing to put in such an effort.

Now I have seen some people who are high-born having negative attitude toward others. There was a teacher at the school that my stepson attended who was calling the parents of her students peasants. However I have also seen it work the other way around. I knew a blue-collar person in Australia who said that some middle-class guy whom his relative or friend married thought that his shit does not stink. And I had a girlfriend, coming from the rough side of town, who had a very negative view of people from higher backgrounds, and she extended that attitude also to me.

We see both all the time. Nixon, who came from a poor background, had hatred of the high-born. I have also known people from distinguished backgrounds who hated people from “lower classes.” I do not see why this kind of thing should happen at all, especially in America. We have had aristocratic Thomas Jefferson and FDR; we have also had the plebeian Nixon and Clinton. Once again, I see no reason at all why these attitudes should exist, especially in America.

One of the worst thing I've seen people from rougher backgrounds do is destroy ambition and intelligence in their youth. They think that they are arrogant, or that they are “know-it-alls,” or that they think they are better than “everybody else.” What qualifies these people to speak for “everybody else” - 7 billion people, most of them nothing like themselves? Of whatever arrogance they are accusing such kids, theirs is far greater. The ambition and intelligence that some kids have, when channeled correctly, results in major contributions to the country and the society. Whereas very little of any kind of benefit is due to attitudes such as this.

So I had a very smart and very beautiful girlfriend from “that side of town,” and her experience with her peers was a horrible one. They did everything in their power to grind her down. When she came to me, some of these attitudes had rubbed off of her, and she was hateful to some of the people I knew who came from more fortunate backgrounds. In some situations she was also hateful to me. This is wrong. This is dead wrong.

My own experience was based on being in a private school, as a poor immigrant from the former Soviet Union. I was very precocious, and the message that I got from other students was that academic intelligence is worthless and that the only thing that matters in life is common sense and social skills. Now you may want that attitude if you are raising salesmen and lawyers. However the country needs much more than just that. It also needs engineers, doctors, scientists and many others. And these people better have an academic intelligence.

In both cases we see very irresponsible behavior. The best minds get damaged, and the country loses vastly as a result. Many of these kids become hostile, destructive or even criminal. And this is very, very bad for the country.

So it is time that such behavior be confronted, as it costs greatly to the country. And it is time that more people understand the implications of their behavior and learn to practice more rightful and more responsible conduct.

Sunday, November 03, 2019

Why So Many People Hate Poetry

In "The Great Short," there was a quotation about someone saying, "Truth is like poetry, and most people hate poetry." Obviously that person has not been in Russia or in France. As for the reasons that so many people in America hate poetry, probably the biggest one is the fault of poets themselves.

The "avant garde" and postmodern directions in poetry have been absolute rubbish. When I attended a DC Poets reading with a woman who is a magnificent visual artist, she told me, "I hope you never write that way."

Not only do these people produce absolute rubbish, but they are viciously abusive to people who produce poetry that is better than theirs. When Jewel came up with a poetry book, she was attacked very badly by these people. In fact Jewel's poetry is far better than anything that has come out of these movements; and it is completely wrong that she be getting subjected to that kind of treatment from people whose work is in every way her's inferior.

On a Google Groups forum called rec.arts.poems, someone claimed that my poetry was "so 1972." In 1972, people in America actually read poetry. That has not been the case in recent decades; and the reason, once again, is that poetry championed by media and academic movements of the time has been complete trash.

In Russia, on the other hand, people actually read poetry. And the poetry that is produced is poetry that is worthy of the name. I have put in a lot of effort and time into translating Russian poetry and songs into English, while retaining the original style and feeling. I have had a lot of good reviews of my translations. Even people who do not like contemporary American poetry have had good things to say about my work.

The solution to this problem is to produce - and disseminate - poetry that people actually want to read. Poetry that is actually poetry. Poetry that aims at such things as beauty and passion. Poetry that is poetic rather than cynical or cold. Poetry that actually inspires and moves.

I have seen very good poetry in several unlikely places, such as the Open Mike readings in DC and the Dan O'Connell readings in Melbourne. These people's work has beauty and meaning. If you don't like poetry, the most likely reason is that you haven't seen real poetry. Real poetry exists. But you won't find it in avant garde or postmodernist or academic poetry or anything of that sort.