Sunday, October 25, 2015

Addressing Misogyny

In recent years we've seen a resurgence of aggressive misogyny. This trend must be stopped. My daughter will be growing up in a climate shaped by these movements; and I owe it to her as well as to the next woman to do my best by standing up to this trend.

Yes, it is true that Eminem's mother treated him like dirt, and he has every right to be angry at her for that. What he does not have the right to do is extrapolate this hatred on all women. My mother never acted that way; and if anyone treats her in the way that Eminem advocates men treat women I will kick his ass.

Do not like women? Fine, don't be with them. But most of these men not only do not leave their women but do everything in their power to make sure that the woman stays with them. They are playing a game. They get a lot out of the relationship. They get companionship, they get sex, they get a clean house and dinner, and they get another source of income. But instead of rewarding the woman accordingly to what they are getting from the woman, they instead decide that she is evil and treat her like dirt.

Then there are religious convictions that portray women as having brought suffering into the world. I have news for these people. Suffering pre-existed women – and humanity – by billions of years. Dinosaurs had diseases, and dinosaurs ate one another. Did a female dinosaur bring suffering into the world? Then go after dinosaurs and leave women alone.

Men hating women is a racket. It allows them to get what they want out of the woman without treating her according to what they are getting from her.

And people practicing rackets have no business to claim morality.


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