Tuesday, June 07, 2016
My response to the gender war is as
follows. Both sides are wrong.
On one side we see malicious harpies
viciously attacking the better women and men who love them. On the
other side we see abusive, paranoid scumbags influencing other men –
including the better-natured ones – to be as nasty as they are,
including toward women whom they have loved. Both are the worst
elements in their respective genders; and it is outrageous that
either of them claim to speak for one half of humanity that is their
Neither men nor women deserve to either
lead or follow. There are good and bad women, and there are good and
bad men. Good men and good women deserve to lead. Bad men and bad
women have no business claiming to speak for their gender or
influencing the rest of their gender to be as bad as they are.
I embrace neither male power nor female
power. I want men and women to do the right thing by one another and
treat each other right. This happens when men who are willing to be
good to women get together with women who are willing to be good to
men. Thus, get an American liberal man together with an Iranian or
Brazilian or Russian women, and see created a positive-sum
relationship in which each side is willing to treat one another
better than they stand to be treated in their home cultures.
This will create a competitive pressure
upon the people in each culture to be good to the other gender. When
left to their own devices, people will pursue situations that will be
good for them; and this will in turn reward those who are willing to
treat the other gender right. Women will gravitate toward men who are
willing to be good to women, and men will gravitate toward women who
are willing to be good to men. This will result in the best in each
gender being rewarded without there needing to be any large-scale
government effort or social movement toward that effect.
Women who are willing to be good to
men: Know that you're better than the politically correct harpies and
embrace the good in yourselves and share it with men who would
appreciate and reward it. Men who are willing to be good to women:
Know that you are better than misogynists and likewise embrace the
good in yourselves and share it with women who would appreciate and
reward it. Get together with one another and create positive-sum
relationships. And show the rest of the world just how man-women
relationships should be done.
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