Monday, September 26, 2016
There are many people in America
claiming that “the Jews are taking over.” My response to that is
that, in a place that does not discriminate against them, people who
value intelligence, education and hard work are going to get ahead.
This is completely consistent with American values and is indeed
their best manifestation.
Another American value is
responsibility; and here such can likewise be addressed. You go
around beating up your honor students, honor students from elsewhere
are going to rise to powerful positions. You destroy ambition and
intelligence in your youth, claiming those who seek it to be
“narcissism” or “arrogance” or “thinking they're better
than everyone else,” the people who do not do such things to their
youth will see their youth rise to a better place. This will include
the Jews; this will include the Hindus and the Chinese; this will
include many others. You traumatize and oppress the better minds
among yourselves, the people who do not do such a thing will overtake
you. Rightfully.
Is America run by them damn Jews? Well,
if that had been the case – and if the Jews were evil – then the
people claiming such things would be facing a firing squad. That they
are not, shows either that Jews are not in the running of America, or
else that the Jews are so good that they would even let live the
people who wish them dead.
Now I see no reason at all to give
credibility to those who state that Holocaust never happened. The
correct response to that is, “Oh yeah, so why are you trying to
orchestrate another one?” Now I am a full believer in the First
Amendment, and even the Nazis should not be censored. They can
however be met with a rational refutation, protected under the First
Amendment. Which I am seeking to do myself, and which should be done
by any number of others, Gentile or Jew.
When liberals complain about any number
of states of affairs, rightfully or wrongfully, they are seen as
losers and whiners. When conservatives complain, they think that they
are doing the will of God or the will of America. If blacks or
Russians or Michigan manufacturing workers are losers for having a
bad state of affairs, then so are the conservatives when they
likewise have a bad state of affairs. Complaining about Jews taking
over is inconsistent with the values that the conservatives claim to
preach. As is complaining about having to pay taxes; as is
complaining about China or Russia rising; as is complaining about any
number of other things.
Do Jews have a strong presence in
America? Yes, and they well should. They got there by practicing the
values that Americans claim to espouse – the values of education
and hard work. They make much better Americans than do their enemies;
and people on both the Right and the Left have noticed that. So now
we see Republican politicians starting organizations to combat
anti-semitism; which they do while being fully American and as such
mindful of its actual values.
If white Anglo-Saxon Protestant
Americans do not want to be outcompeted, they will implement better
cultural practices. They will support instead of attacking ambition
and intelligence in their youth. They will stop beating up your honor
student and raise ones of their own. They will likewise stop
attacking creativity, ingenuity and original thinking. Instead they
will nurture such things and guide them into productive fruition that
benefits the country. It is to these things that America most owes
its greatness; and those who attack such things sabotage America.
As for Israel, its overly militaristic
policy is a result of a lesson having been learned too well. Their
ancestors had been liberal pacifists who worked hard and peacefully
for betterment of other countries only to wind up in gas chambers. So
they decided that pacifism does not work and the Jews are not safe in
the world; so they created a super-militaristic state. This does not
make them evil or anything close to evil. They have learned their
historical lesson too well.
In America, some Jews are liberal and
some aren't. The Koch brothers, who financed the Tea Party, were
Jews, as was Donald Rumsfeld, the secretary of defense under Bush.
Among my own constituency – the Russian Jews – most vote
Republican. Reagan made a brilliant move by inviting the Russian
Jews. Here were people who were for the most part moderate to
conservative, who then went into mostly liberal American Jewish
communities and have been influencing them toward the Right. I, for
myself, am moderate to left, as I have seen the Clinton policies
produce vast benefit for America – and I have seen the Bush
policies being totally destructive.
DO Jews, as some claim, not possess
American values? Many of them possess the best of American values –
ones far more viable than those of their enemies. Jews disagree among
one another on many things, but one thing that they do all value is
education and hard work. This creates truly winning habits. And these
are the habits that win – rightfully and fairly and in a fully
American way.
If White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
Americans do not want to be outcompeted by Jews, Chinese, Hindus or
any number of others, then they will likewise cultivate winning
habits. They will stop attacking ambition and intelligence in their
youth or originality, ingenuity and creative thinking in their
adults. They will stop seeing students who take school seriously as
“arrogant” or “know-it-alls” or “thinking they're better
than everyone else” and instead encourage education. And they will
stop seeing creativity, ingenuity and inventive thinking in adults as
“narcissism” or “sociopathy” and instead allow such qualities
to do the work of making the country great.
The Jews who do get ahead in America
deserve all the credit that they can get. They vastly contribute to
America, and America owes them greatly. Whereas America owes
absolutely nothing to Nazis or anti-semites – with possible
exception of Bobby Fischer, who did his work before he became an
anti-semite and before he went insane.
American people need to decide what are
in fact their values. If they value responsibility and hard work,
then the Jews, the Chinese, and the Hindus should do well in America.
And if they are not comfortable with such people doing well in
America, then they cannot claim to value responsibility and hard
It is not American in any manner to
complain about them damn Jews. It is American to take responsibility.
If you abuse and destroy the best minds in the midst of you, then you
will be out-competed by people who do not do that. Stop beating up
your honor students. Raise ones yourselves.
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