Monday, October 03, 2016
I am all in favor of people – myself
included – examining their beliefs and their character. I would not
however do it – nor recommend that others do it – according to
beliefs that are not true. And I have seen that in most of what I
have encountered.
There were some people who were pushing
on me the Alfred Adler's concept of adequacy and “adequacy
striving.” I have found nothing useful in Adler's psychology at
all. It would pathologize everything that has taken humanity from
caveman to man on the moon. No man is an adequate match for a tiger,
nor should he strive to be an adequate match for a tiger. Man outdoes
the tiger using superior methodology. Similarly Bill Gates is not an
adequate physical match for an inner city gangster or a Muslim
terrorist, but he has accomplished much more.
There were people who were pushing on
me Sigmund Freud. I have found much that is very wrong with Freud's
ideas. He mistook memories of childhood sexual abuse for erotic
fantasy and used it to claim that children are in love with parents
of the opposite gender, and that love in adulthood is transference of
that love. At that time there were few single-parent households and
fewer homosexuals to study; now there are plenty of them. And what we
see again and again is that girls raised by single mothers, guys
raised by single fathers, homosexuals raised by the parent of the
opposite gender, and people without either parent in their
upbringing, fall in love just as readily as do people who have been
raised in nuclear families. Since there is no transference figure in
such situations, these feelings cannot be transference. Furthermore,
since these feelings are of the same character as those developed by
people who have been raised in nuclear families, these feelings
cannot be transference either.
With New Age, I have found a lot of
useful ideas. However the central claim – that everyone is
responsible for everything that happens to them – is obviously
wrong. These people do not owe their situation only to themselves.
They also owe it to the parents who raised them; the teachers who
educated them; the scientists whose work is under all their
prosperity; the government, military and police that protect them;
both business and labor equally; and of course the intellectuals and Freemasons whose work has given to them their
liberty. Misappropriation of credit is not the same thing as
responsibility, nor is reminding them of such things the same as
failure thereof.
What we see with personality psychology
is a very destructive form of intellectual fascism. If it
“narcissistic” to seek great success, have ideas different from
those around you, or want a passionate relationship, then America
owes most of what it has to its narcissists, as does most of the rest
of the world. If you are pathologizing what made your country great,
then do not go around claiming that you are out there benefiting your
society. You are destroying what made it great in the first place. As
for the “sociopathic” disorder, what we see contradicts most
basic rationality. If people are responsible for their actions then
anyone – including a “sociopath” - can act rightfully; and if
some people are evil and can only be evil whatever they do, however
hard they work and whatever work they do on themselves, then people
are not responsible for their actions. The idea that someone can be
made criminal by virtue of his personality is the Orwellian
institution of crimethink. This then is used to create a de facto
totalitarianism from which people are not free even within the
privacy of their minds. Not even the Soviet Communists could come up
with a more invasive totalitarianism.
Now if one is to let someone into one's
life – or a mindset into one's mind – then one has to exercise
discretion as to what it is of which one partakes. I would not
recommend for anyone to let into their heads something that is
destructive. For someone who has, and has suffered for it, the
solution is to refute the mentality; and I heartily recommend these
refutations to those who have partaken of such beliefs.
Is everything that has come out of
psychology and New Age wrong? Not at all. Even the conservatives who
reject psychology as a pseudo-science use it constantly in marketing
and management. It is however wrong to partake of beliefs that are
wrong. And within the preceding mentalities, most is wrong.
It says in the Bible that the world's
wisdom is foolishness to God. Whether or not you believe in God, it
does not take the Bible to show the foolishness of these attitudes. I
started out as a militant atheist, but I have found much greater
wisdom in the Bible than I have in these beliefs. For one thing,
Christ says that any sinner can be redeemed. And that is a much more
humane – and more rightful – attitude that some people, such as
these so-called sociopaths, are damned for life.
Or that Bill Gates is inadequate. Or
that John Keats wanted his mommy. Or that taking credit for a state
of conditions made possible by others is personal responsibility. Or
that it works in your society's best interests to snuff out the very
kind of people who have been responsible for its greatest
accomplishments. Or that imposing crimethink is consistent with
American values.
If someone is going to push onto people
a wrongful set of beliefs, then it is to be expected that they will
be seen through eventually. This is the case both with deliberate
conmanship and intellectual error. Adler may have believed what he
wrote sincerely, but that does not make his work right. It is
obviously and transparently wrong. Same with Freud and any number of
It is valid to expect understanding and
tolerance; and I extend the same to many people, including those whom
others refuse to tolerate at all – such as, for example, these damn
“narcissists” and “sociopaths.” It is not however valid to
expect tolerance for lies. Anything that is based on a lie is going
to come crashing down eventually; and it is in no way responsible,
rational or valid to construct social covenants upon rackets –
whether again such be the result of intellectual error or deliberate
Now any number of people in psychology
and New Age were good enough chaps. Most thought that they knew what
they were talking about; and some of them did. But even among the
ones that did, most committed errors. I do not believe in tossing out
psychology as a pursuit, as some conservatives recommend. I believe
in correcting its errors.
Adler should be tossed out entirely.
Freud had some useful insights; but his most famous claims are
obviously wrong. Analysis of beliefs – ones held consciously and
ones held unconsciously – is a valid pursuit; but the claim that
the are the only thing that shapes one's reality isn't. As for
personality psychology, even if any of its ideas are valid the use of
it has been completely wrong. It is used to suppress the very spirit
that made America great, and it is used to impose upon people a de
facto totalitarianism.
Now I do not claim characterological
superiority to the people whose ideas these are. I do however claim
to see where they have gone wrong. This is not a matter of character;
it is a matter of intelligence, and I heartily recommend using the
same to others.
As for the self-esteem movement, it is
a turkey as well. If good self-esteem made good people and bad
self-esteem made bad people, then for the bulk of recorded history,
when self-esteem was not encouraged, nobody would have been good. And
yet there have been many good people at all times, all over the
world, living under all sorts of belief systems. It was stated to me
by an American woman of World War II generation that self-esteem used
to be called conceit. And yet it is their generation, and not the
baby boomers who encouraged self-esteem, that is held now in America
in highest regard.
Most people have been exposed to some
or all of these ideas. I recommend seeing through them. Not
everything in psychology or New Age is useless, but many of their
central claims are wrong. Do not discard the baby with the bath
water. But by all means discard the bath water.
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