Saturday, July 15, 2017

Gender Warriors Vs. Everyone Else

There have been people on the Net making noises about the fact that some things I wrote appeared on the site of Australian pro-feminist professor Dr. Michael Flood.

In fact Dr. Flood dissed me after I sent him some material critical of Third Wave feminism. He told me that I was a part of the problem.

No, you are a part of the problem. You are a gender warrior. Gender war makes the world worse for everyone, both men and women. It teaches both men and women the worst possible behavior while taking it out on respectively the women and the men who deserve it the least.

Both sides in the gender war are evil. They consist of unelected usurpers falsely appropriating for themselves the claim that they speak for 50% of humanity without the 50% of humanity having voted for them to do so. They then use this false claim to ruthlessly bludgeon the rest of the gender into conformity to their party line while teaching them – in case of women – to be vicious and paranoid and – in case of men – to be brutal and corrupt. The two sides have neither the guts nor the power to touch one another. Instead they take it out on respectively the men and the women who have done the least to cause either problem. The feminists take it out on men nearest the liberal centers of learning and culture who are the least misogynistic men out there. The Fathers' Lobby types take it out on women in right-wing or Muslim or inner-city communities who have done the least to cause Third Wave feminism.

The result: Women being the worst thing that they can be; men being the worst thing that they can be; and thus the world being the worst thing that it can be.

The gender war has created two complementary injustices. On one side of town, horrible women viciously abuse men who are willing to treat women right. On the other side of town, violent thugs brutally abuse women who are willing to treat men right. In both cases the bad guys win and the good guys lose. And this teaches everyone – both men and women – that being a jerk is the right way to go and that being a good person will get you abused.

This, once again, makes the world worse for everyone.

How do you solve two complementary injustices without involving military action or large-scale expenditure of taxpayer money? Create a flux between Side Of Town A and Side Of Town B. Let men who are willing to be good to women get together with women who are willing to be good to men. In this reward the parties involved for their good will and good behavior with good relationships. But more importantly create an incentive on the offending gender in each situation to improve their treatment of the other gender – or else see the other gender leave in large numbers to be with people who are willing to be good to them.

Another part of the solution is to encourage people – both men and women – who are already in relationships to be good to one another. It is likewise to give them the courage to say screw you to both the female and male Iagos who want to influence people to think badly about their partners and instead to love whom they love. It is to support men and women who are willing to be good to one another. And it is to give the courage to others to do the same, and thus to stand strong in face of both villains in the gender war.

I have said repeatedly that the gender war is not the solution, the gender war is the problem. The gender war makes everyone worse, and it makes the world worse. The solution is the opposite of the gender war. The solution is men and women being good to one another. And that requires for men and women of goodwill to throw off the yoke of the unelected gender usurpers and have the courage to love whom they love.

The two sides in the gender war are really on the same side. They are on the side of nastiness, cruelty and fascism. They are on the side of exploiting people's failure and misery to advance themselves while making the world worse for everyone. They are on the side of cowardly bullying and taking out their anger on people who've done the least to cause the problem while having no guts to confront real wrongdoers. They are on the side of unelected totalitarianism.

This means the following. It is not men vs. women. It is the gender war scoundrels against everyone else. And the solution is for everyone else to stand strong against the villainy known as the gender war and have the will and the courage to love one another and treat one another rightfully.


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