Tuesday, October 03, 2017
It is the nature of God to be
unpredictable, nor does He exist according to ordinary logic. There
is a good reason for this. Whenever people think that they have
something figured out they try to replicate or control it; which
means that, if people ever understand God, they will try to be God
themselves and will most likely do a bad job of it – as well as of
course trying to replace or compete with God. I do not anticipate
that God would want such an outcome, and it is likely that He will
deny people the ability to have that kind of knowledge.
On some forms of knowledge there is a
prohibition. That is because it can be used for wrong – sometimes
serious wrong. Hitler had knowledge of the occult, and he used it for
awful things. I used to believe that Biblical prohibitions on such
things were a case of a priestry not wanting competition; but now I
am seeing more clearly the rationality of these prohibitions.
Compassion and righteousness are both
demanded, and sometimes people will practice one to the exclusion of
the other. Compassion by itself fails to see where the other person
goes wrong; and sometimes the right thing to do to a person is to
rebuke them when they are doing the wrong thing. Whereas
righteousness by itself becomes judgmental and even hateful, and it
creates fanatics who think that they are being righteous in doing
harm to other people. In both cases harm is done. The correct
solution is to practice both. That way each checks the other's
capacity for wrongdoing, with compassion checking righteousness's
capacity for hatred and uniformed judgmentalism and righteousness
checking compassion's capacity for enabling wrongdoing.
In any number of situations one person
takes one role and the other person takes the other role. Needless to
say, in such situations the first person is loved and the second
person is hated. However the first person is not always doing the
right thing. In some cases it is important to confront people; and
the person who takes the role of compassion without righteousness
fails to do that and creates monsters.
There is a saying that God helps those
who help themselves. In fact there is very much a valid mechanism by
which Jesus becomes the savior. Jesus leads people away from sin and
toward righteousness and wisdom. Possessing such things, people set
their lives and themselves straight. Jesus helps by teaching people
whatever is missing in their character and what righteousness
actually means. Armed with such things, people do in fact help
themselves, and they do in fact end up in many cases living saved
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