Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Feminist Big Lie

I have dealt with any number of people who have taken part in Third Wave feminism; and what I found was that not only are their perceptions wrong, but they are precisely wrong. They are the precise opposite of what actually is the case. A man loves women, call him a misogynist. Someone loving and altruistic, call him a narcissist. Someone compassionate and heroic, call her a sociopath. Repeat a lie enough times, and people will believe it.

Unlike these feminists, I have actually done things for women who actually needed it. That makes me a better feminist than them. Whereas I have not seen them do much more besides attacking young men nearest the liberal centers of learning and culture who are the least misogynistic men out there, while having neither the guts nor the power to confront real wrongdoers.

So to the women who claim that I am a misogynist or anything of the sort: I refuse to be your whipping boy. If your hearts are as strong as your tongues, you would be fighting real misogynists such as Islamists, Westboro Baptists and the Father's Lobby. These people will not care if you call them misogynists. They have many justifications for their genuinely misogynistic stance. These men would think nothing of killing women like you. And right now they are growing in power.

The women who attack people such as myself are behaving in a completely irresponsible manner. They are alienating a crucial ally and making enemies of people who otherwise would support the women's cause. Then they stand to be confronted with real misogynists, and people such as myself will refuse to help them. This will hurt their cause bigtime.

They are also being irresponsible because they are crying wolf; and people who cry wolf do not become credible when a real wolf appears. And of these there are plenty.

So we see opportunists seeing these women's disgusting behavior and saying, “See, we told you, women are evil, we should beat them.” This does not hurt the feminists. This hurts women who are much better people than either the feminists or these opportunists.

To both sides I say this once again. I refuse to be your whipping boy. If you are a feminist, go fight real misogynists. If you are a Father's Lobby type, go fight real feminists. I will not be your monkey in the middle. Go after one another and leave people like me alone.


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